Playing Soul Keep for the Frist Time - NFT GAME

in voilk •  4 days ago

    In the past few days, I noticed something new in the Splinterlands marketplace. I saw that there's now a Soul Keep Tab in the marketplace, so I checked it out and found towers, spells, and heroes for sale and rent that you can use in the game "Soul Keep," the new tower game by Splinterlands.


    I've seen this in other users' posts, but I didn't pay much attention since I was busy playing Splinterlands. Haha!

    I opened the game and tried playing it for a bit to see how the gameplay works. To play, you need to set up towers in specific locations on the map to kill the enemy monsters.


    I rented a few towers and one spell to add to my arsenal. But it seems you need to place these items at the start of the game or wave, so I couldn't use them in the first 6 waves of my battle.


    I easily defeated the first set of 5 waves. After every wave, you earn Soul to upgrade your towers to make them stronger and faster.



    You need to spend this wisely on upgrades to avoid waste.






    After finishing the first set of waves, there's a menu where you can place your towers, spells, and heroes for use in battle. If they're not there, you can't use them in battle, so you need to choose which towers to use.


    Check the stats of the towers before adding them to your lineup. The slots are limited, so plan carefully before adding them to your deck.

    I also easily finished the waves in the 2nd set.
    The nice thing is you can fast forward the movement of the monsters to speed up the game, or if you're sure you'll win and don't want to watch, you can skip the battle.







    After winning a set of waves, a new tower or spell will be unlocked, which you can use in battling the next set of waves.



    I had a bit of trouble in the 3rd set of waves because the monsters took different paths on the 3rd and 4th wave. You can see the path at the start of the wave, but I noticed it too late. You need to place your towers on those paths for defense.


    I only played Soul Keep for a short time since I still had energy in Splinterlands and wanted to use it up first. I'll play Soul Keep while waiting for my Splinterlands energy to regenerate.

    I don't know how to earn in this game because, even though I rented cards, I didn't see any addition to my SPS. For those reading my post who know how to play this game better, please drop some tips so I can enjoy this game more.

    For now, this is all I will share. I will gradually find out what else can be done in the game Soul Keep and will post updates when I learn something new.


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