Dear Crush, Will You Please Look at Me Even Just For a Second?

in voilk •  5 months ago

    Liking someone without hoping that our feelings will be reciprocated is really hard. And even though we already accepted the "fact" that it is just impossible, deep inside our hearts there's still a tiny bit of hope, where we are still hanging on to our "delusion" that someday, just someday, our wish will be reciprocated by the one we are liking even just a tiny bit.


    Is it wrong to hope? Maybe, but even though we will get hurt in the process, at least that admiration we feel for them really makes us happy. I am the kind of person who will really do anything to stop my feelings for someone, especially if I see that I have already lost that battle, I'll cry hard even if takes days, just so I can move on.

    And I will only feel lost when I see that this someone I like already has someone beside him. But if I see that he is still single, I will continue admiring him. I will also continue with my "delulu moments," where I am the main character and he is my leading man. Why? To dream is free, why not make the most out of it? Ehee (≧▽≦).


    But hep, hep, let me just share a not-so-short story of mine about this man. err, is it a boy? He is actually younger than me, but well, with a man that I've been crushing on for a long time now, ehermmm, since high school (≧▽≦). If I don't see that man for a long time, my crush on him will surely vanish on its own. But how could I just let go of my "admiration" for him when he is just a few steps away from me? How? How? Lol. Wait, is this still a crush? Wait, let's analyze it first and find the X and Y.

    Ehermmmmm, so, high school day. I can't remember what year I was at that time, but I think third or fourth year? Then this boy is just in his first year. Omg! How could I crush someone this young? But wait, let me explain - how could I not like him if he is this tall, cute, pretty, and handsome? He still looks young, but I think that time he looked a little mature with his age or years in school. I even thought maybe he had stopped studying before. I'm still not sure about his age, but the less I know, the more exciting it is.


    I also learned about his Facebook account, but I didn't really stalk him much. As long as I know that he is single, liking him will continue. And to be honest, I forgot his name already because it was too long, but I know his last name. I want to keep my feelings for him as a crush, so I don't gather more information about him. And I can see him every day, even though it's a little far, so I'm already satisfied with that.

    And you know, OMG (≧▽≦) - so, like whenever I see him wearing a shirt with the same color as mine, I always think that maybe it is meant to be, lol. And every day is exciting for me because I always look forward to the color of the shirt he is wearing. Deep in my head, I am already thinking that if we have the same color shirt today, then it's a sign, haha. See, look how delusional I am when it comes to "crushing" someone, lol. I mean, it's me daydreaming, so I want to think only of the sweetest scenario between me and him.

    Just the other day, I was the happiest again because we wore the same shirt again, blue, and a v-neck shirt. I think we also have the same brand of shirt, which is Blue Corner. So while I was feeding our cat, I saw him again, and while pretending to look at my phone, I was taking a glance from afar, smiling widely, acting like a worm that was sprinkled with salt and full of happiness. This is really just what it takes to make me happy. It made my day, and I'm thankful again for that terrific moment. Ehe.

    Now, I want to write him a letter. It's just a simple message that I want to say if we ever get the chance to talk. (◍•ᴗ•◍)



    Dear Crush,

    Hi, hello, it's nice to see you again. Kidding aside, hi! Hey! I can always see you from afar, but I can never reach or touch you. Even just a poke is enough for me, but I guess it's not the time yet. You are really tall and handsome, no? Do you use some whitening soap, ba?

    Can you tell me what brand it is and where I can get it? Can you also share your cellphone number with me? But don't get me wrong, I only want your number to further ask about the soap you're using, it's not like I want it for personal purposes to know you more, like where do you live, what's your blood type, and if you like a Morena girl, no, of course not, that's not what I mean.

    I really just want to know the brand of your soap. But if you want to go off topic and you want to share something else, I can add that to the collection of "general knowledge" I have. I am actually saving more of them, additional information is much needed too. That would be super helpful too, for sure, to know more about yo- errrr to know more about the world.

    And while we're at it, may I also ask if you are good at math? If yes, me plus you is equal to what? I can give you a choice if you want:

    a. No chance!
    b. No comment
    c. Zero!

    If you are having a hard time answering it, you can just skip it ಥ_ಥ. Anyway, I hope you'll choose to stay where you are currently working. Have a good life, and please stay single for a long time.


    Silently crushing(admiring) you, Parot.


    I don't really want to write a typical letter with those sweet messages and all. At least, with this funny approach, it will be less creepy and cringey, I think? Although I have a crush on him, it's not like I see him in my future. It's just that the present me is just happily admiring him from afar without really expecting anything. He makes me happy just by existing. Ehehe, UwU, omooo!



    Hey guys @jane1289, @lhes, @xanreo, @demotry, @svetlana08, @sydney2, @itravelrox you might want to check this and perhaps join too? Ehe. HivePH theme for this month contest is really cool.


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