Movies & TV Shows Community Highlight #983

in voilk •  3 months ago


    Hello! As part of our ongoing efforts to improve both interaction and curation in the Movies and TV Shows Community, this post is one of many to highlight and boost members of the past week that have posted what we believe is exceptional content.

    The Details

    Each week, our Moderators will monitor the posts within the Movies and TV Shows Community and handpick the ones that are believed to stand out under numerous factors: post quality, length, and subject.

    There are no entry requirements, and this is not a contest, but simply a roundup intended to provide additional exposure to all of you for your efforts. Just have fun posting in the Movies & TV Shows Community and five or more posts will be chosen frequently.


    Author: @josehany

    Como agua para chocolate | Series Review

    The series is short, it consists of 6 chapters but I'm not sure if it will continue, everything could point to yes given the way things ended, this is the bad thing about not having read the novel, being left in uncertainty. Something that is true is that it is quite entertaining and makes you feel what Tita is feeling, all those injustices and those rigid traditions.


    Author: @genesishealthy

    Review - El Looney Cuento de Navidad

    I like this person a lot because he exemplifies that typical Christmas story but seen from a more modern approach and that also allows you to have depth and greater empathy with certain situations of adult life not only from the point of view of the protagonist but of all the characters that are part of the story.


    Author: @kiutvariedades

    🎥🤦🏼‍♀️ Mi Opinión Sobre: Los Festivos Caballeros 🎄🕺🏻 || 🎥🤦🏼‍♀️ My Opinion About: The Merry Gentlemen 🎄🕺🏻

    Part of what disappointed me the most about this film is that we do not see an adequate development of anything, that is, there is no character development, there is no development of romance, there is no development in the seriousness of the problems of the place, there is no development in the family dynamics of the protagonist, everything remains superficial and even seems to be full of isolated events that I did not quite understand, because if we focus only on the family section and the economic situation that Ashley's parents are going through, at no time do we see a genuine concern on their part, that is, we are talking about the business of her life, which is about to close because they cannot pay the debts or the rent, and you're going to tell me that they do not care and prefer to let their daughter's crazy ideas take effect? , I can't believe it.


    Author: @jcrodriguez

    The Moor | Film Review

    It is a British film and falls into the Folk Horror sub-genre. That vast wasteland that seems to hide dark and terrible secrets. A land that seems to be possessed by souls in pain, who cannot find peace. A lot of history from centuries ago, which transmits a sense of bad feeling since the protagonist sets foot in that place. The atmosphere achieved by the director, together with his team in charge of the photography of the film, is really the main attraction of the film. It can even be said that, in a way, it is somewhat restraining. A film that instills terror must have a sinister atmosphere


    Author: @wiseagent

    MOVIE REVIEW: “Ostinato” (2023)

    Finding one's own harmony in the midst of unexpected "chaos" is one of these messages, and the movie manages to deliver this to the audience with a work that, in addition to being skill-fully sonic in its choices, is also visually quite assertive in choosing "rustic" features to personify what is seen on the screen. A simple technical work, certainly low-budget, but that at no point loses its brilliance for being that way (in fact, quite the opposite).


    Author: @netflixr

    The Count of Monte Cristo (series): This has a chance to be something great

    The boating scene at the very beginning looks like something out of a multi-million dollar project from a major studio and they didn't spare any expense. It looks truly real and absolute wonderful. After an episode through I can say that the rest of the production value seems to be equally top notch as well.


    Author: @david.dicotomia

    No Way Home Apesta | No Way Home Sucks

    "Marvel movies are like an amusement park," Scorsese said. After a couple of years of that phrase, I perfectly understand what he meant. These days I had an interesting conversation in which we talked about Marvel movies. And we got to the new Spiderman 3. To me, that movie was pretty meh. Moderately interesting. While watching it at home, I couldn't stop wondering "how did this movie cause such a scandal if it's so boring." First of all, Doctor Strange is just for selling. They put two of the most attractive characters on screen to grab attention. Whether the theme of everyone forgetting who Parker was necessary or not, I don't know. But what I am sure of is that the appearance that was practically a cameo was unnecessary. The only great accomplishment here was having all 3 Spider-Men on screen simultaneously. But that alone is not enough to justify a movie. Yes, the old villains are there again, but... Is that all? What happened to a great story? The dialogues were essentially just repeating the great dialogues from the previous Spider-Man movies. Just a reheating of the greatest hits, pure nostalgia. And the ending, like all those movies, boils down to a physical fight between the "good guys" and the "bad guys." I didn't like it. I wouldn't say it's a great movie. But my interlocutor's criticism made me reflect. When I told him what I thought of the film, he replied: "you should have seen it in the theater. People were screaming with excitement." I could only think of a roller coaster or something like that. A bunch of people reacting at the same time to the surprise of having all 3 Spider-Men appear at the same time must have been interesting. But that shouldn't be enough to justify a movie. That doesn't justify my entrance to the cinema. I want to see a good story, something that stays with me and makes me rethink things, not scream because Andrew Garfield appears in spandex again. That's what drove me away from Marvel movies. I haven't seen any of the new ones until the new Deadpool appeared. But Deadpool is not Marvel. Deadpool is in a class of its own, and we will talk about that later.


    Author: @pannavi

    The Tudors: Un Capricho que se Pagó a un Alto Costo ~

    Watching this series was eye-opening, as it made me learn much more about the history of this country ruled by Kings and Queens. The story of Ana Boleyn is one of my favorites and although I consider her a fearless woman, I pity her for how her days ended.



    Congratulations to everyone that was chosen, and thank you to everyone posting in Movies and TV Shows! We look forward to the next report and highlighting even more of you.

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