Sleep well to perform better. - My Actifit Report Card: February 3 2024

in voilk •  6 months ago

    Sleep well to perform better.

    It is scientifically proven that the benefits of good quality sleep are multiple, from reducing the risk of cardiovascular diseases to helping us lose weight, so in general terms, getting enough and good sleep is key to achieving longevity and a healthy life. long term.

    But did you know that a lack of good quality sleep can contribute to the increase in adipose tissue, fat in our body? There are several studies that have proven that those who sleep enough, between 7 and 9 hours, on average have fewer problems maintaining a healthy weight.

    And regular physical exercise and a balanced diet are part of the key to achieving this good rest, and believe it or not, the drinks you choose to consume in the moments before going to bed can also make a big difference between a bad rest and a good rest.

    And although you may not believe it, milk, whether cold or hot, can be one of the perfect drinks to consume at this time, if we want to rest well and this is because it is rich in tryptophan, which is an amino acid that has been clinically proven which helps you fall asleep more quickly, and is even used as a treatment for mild cases of insomnia.

    In addition, cow's milk provides us with high levels of protein, more specifically casein, drinking milk or other protein-rich foods before going to sleep can prevent the loss of muscle mass during the night, and even stimulate protein synthesis. while we sleep.

    And this is very good news for those looking for a quick and correct recovery after a day of hard training.

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    ! The truth will set us free and science is the one that is closest to the truth!

    _This report was published via Actifit app ([Android]( | [iOS]( Check out the original version [here on](

    Cycling, Home Improvement, Running, Walking
    176 cm
    69 kg
    Body Fat

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