Wide Open Blue…….My Actifit Report Card: April 11 2024

in voilk •  3 months ago

    Okay; I admit this pic has nothing to do with the title, but our neighbor’s cat is so cute! Plus, she poses so nicely! 🐈

    Today’s work day left a sort of bad taste in my mouth. A typically busy afternoon with exams and whatnot. I worked with Donna some and told her I was going to leave her to fly a bit without me today. I was going to try to stay a bit in the back and keep working on jobs and whatnot. I also told her to call me if needed. She did great. I’m proud of her for jumping in and out of her normal box. It got busy and being as I have a camera to keep tabs on the sales floor, when folks started coming in, I went to help.

    A guy I’ve spent around 7 hours or more working on a special order for Maui Jim sunglasses stopped by to pick them up. He was fine with the glasses but then literally called me out on his pricing he paid out of pocket after insurance. Keep in mind, without insurance, this particular pair would have cost upwards of close to$1000 with the particulars that he wanted. I billed his insurance and his out of pocket was just under $500, a bargain given with insurance.

    The long and short of it was that he originally wanted lenses in an old existing Maui Jim frame. The frame was discontinued in 2015 and they would not put lenses in an old frame that they didn’t have parts to fix should the frame break during processing. A logical call on their part, but it infuriated this patient. He went home and called Maui Jim and complained. They opted to give a voucher for 50% off the cost of the frame but he’d have to order it ( with no RX in it). He wanted me to order a frame in so he could see if he liked the color or not. Point for me was that I’d pay $16 to have it ordered; have to pay for it AND then if he didn’t like it, I’d have to send it back ($10 postage) and would only receive a credit-not money back to the clinic. (Also his coupon would not apply) So he went elsewhere to try some on and found the frame he wanted. He came back to me with the sku number. I called Maui Jim again to make sure if the RX job was done and he didn’t like the coloring of the tortoise portion, could we return for the same frame but with them looking for darker variations? They said of course. Great-right? So he’s got insurance which throws another wrench into the ordering of it. I made another call and found out paper claim only for this situation. No problem.

    Today he picks it up; balks at his balance. I ended up giving him a discount on the frame as he created a bit of a scene in front of patients. At that point, I just wanted him gone! He wanted to go over every charge (which I did with him in the beginning) and act like it was outrageous, what he was paying for. Then he told me he was going to submit those out of pockets to his insurance company! I told him I billed them as originally discussed and that they wouldn’t pay twice!

    Long and short-my coworker commended me on my handling of the whole thing; the doc agrees with me should he come back for services in the future-no insurance; he pays up front. 😠

    Later after we closed at 5 but I worked with a patient until almost 5:45, the doc asked if I was feeling done for the day. I looked at him and grinned and said that over done might be the term. 🙄

    So on to wide open blue!

    Our skies today were not like this at all. It was cloudy, grey and rainy. Looking at these though helps to lighten my load though.

    Here’s an evening sunset.

    If you read through my complete tirade, I appreciate you! I needed to let off some steam!

    That’s gonna be it for today take care and have an awesome day/ evening wherever you are! 🙏🇮🇱🇺🇦


    This report was published via Actifit app (Android | iOS). Check out the original version here on actifit.io

    Daily Activity,Moving Around Office

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