Late night outing

in voilk •  5 months ago

    Photo by Ryan Snaadt

    The time is exactly 10:33pm and I've spent the past one hour trying to come up with something to write, all to no avail. Usually when I find myself in situations like this, I always use the relaxation technique, which basically is just me going into my room, closing the door and shutting everyone off while trying to relax and think.

    But today had been a bit different for me. Something has been bothering my mind, something I couldn't quite place my finger on, neither could I shake it off my mind. And after trying for a while to make my brain work, I decided it was best to just let it be before I run mad.

    But as usual, the universe came to my rescue and a lady friend, my neighbour, had knocked on my door, asking me if I was still going for the swimming that was earlier discussed. Now I don't swim, but everyone at the hostel for some reason had agreed to go on a night swimming tonight and I had earlier agreed to go with them, not to swim (because I don't know how to), but just to pass time and mainly to do things with them as a group.

    Immediately I was reminded of the planned outing, a little smile appeared on my face because now, I now know what content to put out.

    Well, the time is 10:48pm and we're currently on our way out to the location where the pool is. For some reason everyone is hyped up about it, even though I find it a bit strange for anyone without a private pool to want to go swimming this late at night. The bus we're in is filled up and some of us had to look for creative ways to even fit in it, that's how much we are.

    If you ask me how I see the entire night panning out, it's pretty simple. The moment we get to the location, majority of the ladies would jump out and head straight for the pool, while some of the guys would rather have a bottle of beer first before going for a swim. As for me, unfortunately I still have some job to do and will probably will be busy for the next thirty minutes.

    After I'm done with work, I will spend the rest of the night just hyping everyone and making sure I scream the loudest just in case someone finds themselves in a position where they're about to drown. It might sound boring, but trust me when I say it will be a fun night for me.

    At least it beats having to be at home just laying on my bed.

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