Hive Has A lot Of Promising Projects Going Live

in voilk •  6 days ago

    Today I want to focus a bit on hive as it actully has a lot of good quality applications being launched that are starting to gain traction. I've also started to dig into these more myself and they are shaping up well. It for sure is looking promising in terms of the quality of the applications coming out now and the amount of demand also seems to be increasing.


    Soulkeep is run out of Splinterlands so you'll need a Splinterlands account in order to use the platform. It still has a lot of core functionality to it that is attached to Splinterlands such as renting, card trading, blending etc.

    I started to play the game myself and I'd have to say it's actully pretty good as a game itself. What I haven't dug into yet are any of the rewards for playing in tournaments.

    Tournaments is where you will compete with everyone and be able to lock in SPS rewards and those rewards are actully pretty large if you're able to place high enough.


    Woo is getting there and we are starting to see some price action now on the WOO token after all of these months and maybe over a year. The games live and while there's not all too much to the gameplay it's still functional and getting there.

    The excitement level for me is pretty low in terms of the gameplay it feels very under valued at the moment but I also realize this is only the first integration of it and it will expand over time.

    The game currently houses NFTs and land to battle with and earn from. Woo tokens are primarily used to better your nfts and your land at the moment which makes sense.


    Terracore is actully stupid easy to start playing and it's also very easy to play and get started in. I believe that's what makes it so popular and only increasing in popularity now.

    Terra core has been one of these two like games which has seen some rather large adoptions in terms of userbase and has been listed on Dapp radar a few times. Simple small games like this can have a massive impact to the hive ecosystem in terms of people using the blockchain.

    They don't have to be crazy big block buster games. I mean even look at TON right now which is blowing up over simple clicker games in Telegram right now.

    Coming Soon

    There's also a number of other games still coming soon to hive which are looking promising.

    I do expect that that Holozing should be released here in the next few months as it was expected this summer. My hopes are they stick to that time line but like with anything these often end up being months longer. In short if we at least see this game launch in 2024 I'll be happy. Pushing past that I'm going to seriously question what the F the team has been doing.

    We also have newer additions such as Rise of the Pixels which is an ok game. Right now it seems like it has a pretty big learning curve and it's not directly apparent what to do or to be profitable in the game. I believe that's the biggest thing holding back this game at the moment but with feedback and time that of course can be adjusted. Besides that it looks like it should be a rather sold easy to get in game when the onboarding and game system is cleared up a bit.

    Splinterlands also keeps rolling out new features and I believe and at least hopeful of land 2.0 by end of year. What's funny about me saying that though is land was suppose to be released by end of year last year. and while yes it was it's the extremely watered down version we have at the moment.

    The primary reason why I'm excited about land is it's one of the biggest sinks for the game in terms of DEC revenue burn and to just increase value overall for the game. I do believe a lot of big whale including myself would be hitting this section hard each day and burning tons of DEC with trades. It also just brings a ton of lifeblood into the game in terms of active trading.

    So hive does have a lot going for it right now in the gaming section but it needs a bit of a marketing push which is best going to come from us as users and a community over anything paid. So get involved, start using it and then share it with others. There's so much you can do in the gaming space in you're interested. Videos, live stream etc can all bring in revenue as well and while you're playing the game, talking about it, writing articles about it and threads you're also going to pick up referrals which further boosts your crypto earnings. So go out there, get involved and start building there's wonderful options at hand!

    Posted Using InLeo Alpha

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