A Quick post today. My Actifit Report Card: February 10 2024

in voilk •  5 months ago

    I usually try to get 5 good pictures, walk at least 10K steps, and write a decent overview of my day for every Actifit report.

    Today that just won't happen. I didn't walk the dog today because I had to work and my wife didn't so it is HER time to walk Nico.

    I still did go for a morning walk and it was much more brisk and longer than if I had the dog. He slows me up so much by sniffing and checking out everything.

    It was pretty frosty but at least it was clear and pretty nice out. Got to see the park again which is actually something I look forward to.

    During my walk I'm playing cubieverse of course. However, I have to answer quickly because I'm not slowing down my pace and only have limited area in which to get each question.

    Here's a harder question for @monica-ene and @jmis101 just so they don't think all the questions are super easy :)

    After my walk around the park it was off to work. Long day and I just came home feeling beat up. I know I say a walk after work helps clear your mind but today I just had dinner, chatted with my family for an hour then went to bed.

    Not really great for getting steps but that's how the day went.

    Let's see how tomorrow goes :)

    Thanks for dropping by

    This report was published via Actifit app (Android | iOS). Check out the original version here on actifit.io

    Daily Activity, Moving Around Office, Walking

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