The 100-Day Project, Day 36 - Another Swing and a Miss!

in voilk •  3 months ago

    And so, we arrive at Day 36 of the 100-Day project.

    There was no day 35 because we had those unexpected house guests with us, and I essentially ended up with a day where I had no time that was my own.

    A subtle "winter" stone from earlier this year

    And it once again underscores the fact that my being able to do challenges like this successfully is almost entirely contingent upon having no days that present me with anything unexpected whatsoever because my available time on any given day is so razor thin.

    But, I am departing from my usual practice of just abandoning something when it starts to fail, and instead I am determined to finish this experiment with whatever gaps will turn up. So far, the result has been two gaps; two missed days.

    So now I am grabbing about 30 minutes for creativity while the chicken finishes baking in the oven and I have just a moment of slack time here!

    Today's stone for the "retreat project." Sorry it's a bit fuzzy; I tend to do these late at night and the lighting is poor.

    Day 36 Stone Painting:

    First order of the day is to complete another in the retreat Stones Series so I can keep building my stock of those until that particular project is complete and ready to be finished. Hopefully I will be done by mid-April or so. Today's stone is pictured above.

    Then I set about painting another smaller stone for stock, this time going with a pink golden White theme. Sometimes it is the more subtle color schemes that do quite well.

    Trying to do the metallics with a gold paint marker; it's quite bright!

    I have now reached the point in my blank stone stock — at least with stones around this size — to where I don't have any more of the super smooth stones left. So I'm now picking from my what I consider my "second quality" choices.

    These will still be quite pretty when they're finished, however they take longer to do because I have to work around a little imperfections, and usually the surface is slightly rougher than I like to work with. But hey, you do what you do and do the best with that!

    Not unhappy with this. Has an almost spring-like vibe

    Day 36 Summary and Social Media Bits:

    Finished two new stones today: Continuing to work on the large order for the women's retreat, adding one more for this... 12-of-30 now completed, and then this other small stone for general stock.

    Daily Twitter/X post: Check. Another older stone post.
    Daily Facebook Page post: Fail. Out of time/got too late.
    Daily Instagram post: Fail. Same as above.

    Other Stuff: As usual, this Hive post; getting set up for finish work... forecast calls for warmer days (above 50/10C). Daily shoutout to @gillianpearce!

    Day 36 completed; increasingly recognizing that my life is not well suited to a "daily routine" like this. Creating + social media posts + a Hive blog posts takes a solid two hours, or more. I just don't have that much time in my schedule.

    I appreciate you coming to visit and please do leave a comment if you feel so inclined!

    Thank You!


    If you enjoy painted rocks, do check out The Hive Rocks Project and help spread the word about Hive, while also being creative!

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    Thank you, in advance, for your consideration and support!

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    2024.03.26 AS-TXT-227/197

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