in voilk •  4 months ago


    I'm about to rant😂.

    Since everyone is talking about one problem or another, I guess I will just let out my frustrations here. Right now my head is full of activities I need to do, and I think it's affecting my mental health. I've not been able to go about my normal work routine which has also affected my other plans both work-related, individual growth, and normal life activities. I knew I needed a chill pill the moment I boarded a cab after work today only to tell the cab driver to stop halfway through the journey because I couldn't find my mobile phone. I knew I was holding it after the close of work, in fact, I left my office with my phone in my hand, but suddenly I couldn't find it.

    Image by master1305 on Freepik

    I came out of the cab like a madman and immediately boarded a return cab back to the office. A part of me was saying “You probably dropped it at the office” Another part remembered that I left the office with my phone at hand, but for some reason couldn't remember what happened afterwards. I'm not one to panic very easily, but I panicked this time. I couldn't just imagine losing my phone at this point of my life where a lot of things are dependent on my attention. I got to the office sweating profusely hoping I dropped it at the security post while signing out, but it wasn't there. Now I was just about to panic out loud when I walked into the reception and found my phone at the desk of the receptionist.

    It was as though someone poured me ice and it came with an instant headache. I then remembered that I must have left it there when I borrowed a pen from the customer service personnel to sign out of my office before heading to the security post where I had to sign out again. It was the second time I had lost my phone in two days at the same spot. This week has been rough so far, having to come back to work from a sick leave last Thursday with a whole lot of activities on my desk to attend to, and a whole lot already scheduled into my plans for the week. I have targets to meet, I'm already behind time by two days, and this morning my office laptop crashed.

    Image by stockking on Freepik

    Although I had backed up most of the information there, but now recovering 46 GB of information is time I do not have, not to mention the fact that I submitted a requisition to replace the hard drive of my official system two weeks ago, and now that it has crashed, the accountant is saying she's unable to disburse any cash for repair at the moment because the company is spending heavily on other urgent projects. I would like to understand, but my job is suffering for it. My MD came to my office afterward (The accountant had taken the matter to his table) and the first thing he did was ask me about a major project the company is supposed to have started today.

    Seeing my laptop closed and me idle at the point he met me, I told him there was nothing I could do because the company system was down. Now he's demanding I find a way around it, according to him I can't fold my arms and wait for the company to do everything for me. How am I to explain that my PC can not do the job he's requiring me to do. First, there are software issues, (I do not have the software on my personal PC to start the project) there's software compatibility issues, (the particular software is too high for my system to handle, and I will need to upgrade my PC first which will cost me money I do not have at the moment). There are also server issues, because of the confidentiality and technicality of my job, it would be reckless to bring the company's heavy server to my 4 GB RAM device which is already lagging. I had thought about all these and explained to the accountant why I just needed those funds.

    I don't even want to talk about the money spent in taking the official PC for repair that has now shortened my transportation budget for the week. I came back home to meet my friend who I recently onboarded waiting for me to put him through on some things. I was happy my sister was helping him with the things she knew, but there were a few things he still needed to understand that my sister could not explain. In order not to transfer any aggression, I immediately went for a cold shower, jumped on my bed, and slept. I woke up an hour ago still with my head full and no idea whatsoever how I would go about this pending problem. Engaging today has been an issue because of how clouded my mind is, I can't read two sentences without thinking I have pending jobs waiting. There are a lot of personal activities that are now on hold because of how busy I am upstairs. I hate it when I am busy in my mind because until there's a solution, my mind doesn't stop.


    Posted Using InLeo Alpha

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