The Thinking Stuff, 36th Dose – Virus

in voilk •  15 days ago

    CDC Pfizir-60b76522e72cc87ac129d586792bfcd5-original.jpg

    Gain of Bioweapon-Fk_ek0wWYAAhywc.jpg

    War on Covid_2023-08-25_16-07-01.jpg

    The real pandemic is how stupid
    almost everyone has become…

    Nuclear mask-a5e6a589a8d9254e18129b7a5a03e0ac-original.jpg




    Obeying mass-8fe916cd7f79a17e3d7ca613ec761c52-original.jpg

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    “Spanish Flu” 100 years ago. A photo speaks thousand words



    Hitler virus-8uqi41.jpg

    Hong Kong virus-8b423b876560f3f1f7010c7fb14895bf-original.jpg





    PsyOp mask-11d54cfb2f6efd6e3bf0a3bcdb22cf7c-original.jpg

    Fart smell-3202502dcb438b9312e0675f14539f3a-original.jpg

    CDC Smoke and viruses-669df761869a4a2954f0489259b7a13d-original.jpg

    Kari Mullis-NDOXBup.jpg




    Corona deathbed-c007120357fccfe48d458fe2ed4fdbd0-original.jpg


    Election season-6b25a293dc9db01911ac9bfe002c5ef3-original.jpg

    New variant day-YpihifdXP4WNbGMdjw.jpg

    Southern border-k4SlnZM.jpg

    Immune system-b012771fd76cbc09fb957e10b346fa64-original.jpg


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    Disease X superspreaders-72ea5ed6966e165a148e664fbb837e81-original.jpg


    TV Virus-4rfcx44.jpg



    Never forget Julian Assange was the first to expose global criminals
    Не заборавите да је Џулијан Асанж први разоткрио глобалнe злочинце

    * * *

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