My first experience with snow. ❄️

in voilk •  4 months ago


    It feels soft and at the same time it burns, to the point where you can't feel your hands.

    That's the first thing that comes to mind when I think back to 2009, the first day I saw and felt snow in my city Bahía Blanca in Argentina.

    I was sleeping, when my family woke me up with the news that it was snowing. This had never happened before in the place where I lived.

    Bahia Blanca is a city that is characterised by being located in a sunken land, like in a well, and where it is usually windy. In fact, many call it the windy city.

    The temperatures are quite extreme. According to what he has experienced, the maximum wind chill temperature has reached around 54 degrees. A stifling, dry heat that burned everything.

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    But that day, 22 July 2009, was the lowest temperature I have ever experienced, a wind chill of 16 degrees below zero.

    That morning, when my family woke me up and told me about this rare event, which had never been recorded there before, I quickly got up and looked out of my bedroom window.

    It didn't matter that it was dark, I think it was about 6:30 in the morning, I wrapped up warmly and went out into the garden. Everything was white and there were these beautiful white flakes falling.

    This is one of those memories of such unique and special events that you never forget.

    At that time they were using one of those mobiles that had a cover, so many years went by....

    And I didn't have a camera, but I quickly went to get my phone to capture that moment, which I didn't know how long it would last.

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    From that time onwards, whatever I saw beautifully, I captured it with my camera phone.

    The air was freezing and I could feel it entering my lungs out there, but I didn't care, it was a special moment.

    At first I was shining a torch on myself, because the night was so dark and moonless.

    But little by little the day started to get lighter and it stopped snowing. That's when I could see the whole garden in its great white expanse.

    The extension is 50 x 20 metres. There were all kinds of plants, fruit trees, vines, bushes, etc. A great variety of plants that I remember very fondly. Everything was white.

    After a while the snow began to clump and in some parts you could see the earth underneath.

    I spent as much time as possible taking pictures of this great event, my hands were purple from the cold, but I didn't care. The thrill of seeing the spectacle was greater.

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    At that moment I enjoyed walking among the vine trees, which only had their trunks, but now full of snow.

    The landscape had changed completely from the previous day. And it was wonderful and enchanting even though I could no longer feel my feet or my hands and I was super frozen.

    I was still taking pictures and touching the snow. It was wonderful. I enjoyed it very much.

    Later I found out that in many parts of the city there were snowmen and similar things, but I just enjoyed every second of that event in my garden alone with the nature of the snow and that wonderful landscape in front of me.

    Neither the grass nor the earth had their usual colour, but were now beautifully white.

    I knew that at some point the snow was going to melt, that's why I didn't go into the house at all, I hadn't even had breakfast. I just stood there contemplating the view before me.

    As the minutes passed the snow began to melt in the places where the snow cover was weakest. But there were still large blocks and piles of it.

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    The landscape was changing every moment. I witnessed that spectacle without losing sight of it and today I remember it as clearly in my mind as if it was that cold July day back in 2009.

    It never snowed like that again, maybe a few stray flakes, but I never saw snow again. That's why that memory is so precious to me.

    That day I learned a little more to appreciate nature, to love it and to enjoy each of its details, that's why I didn't move away from there in spite of the cold. The experience was unforgettable and I could feel those wonderful surprises that nature gives us.

    I am happy to bring it here and share it with all of you.

    Thank you all very much for watching and reading this far, best regards and see you next time.

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    All photographs are my own.
    Separators created by me in Photoshop.
    Used translator free version.

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