My Favourite Digital Sanctuaries That Help Me Unwind

in voilk •  2 months ago

    The world we live in today is filled with so many distractions and stress-causing agents, from our workplace, financial stress, school activities, and even our family and friends can be upsetting sometimes that we just want to take a moment to ourselves to unwind the stress and just forget about our worries, I know some of you just like me would think about sleep at first which is one nature's gift to help us get refreshed, or other offline activities like reading or cycling, but let's face the truth, other times we might want nothing than just running to our devices for that comfort, even those offline activities like reading or cycling have all been digitized as there are several apps/games available for us to experience same excitement those activities gives.

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    So today, let's focus on our digital sanctuaries, I couldn't find a better world than sanctuary lol, as a sanctuary is a place we go to for rest, and the advancement in technology through the help of our smartphones or other gadgets has made it easier for us to easily block out every worry and immerse ourselves in these digital sanctuaries.

    My First go-to digital sanctuary for Unwinding is Pinterest


    It still amazes me that a lot of people don't know about this app, as I've found myself sharing and telling several people on different occasions about the app, I still did yesterday when I was discussing it with a friend, and she was likewise mesmerized by what she had been missing out on.
    As some of you already know, if you regular my blog, I work as a fashion designer, which is a very demanding job in terms of time, physical labor, and creative thinking, it takes all away from you especially as I'm one that always wants to give my best to what I do, after my day's work or even mid-day when I just don't feel energized enough or got stuck with a lack of Idea, I somehow just find myself going for the Pinterest app, why? Apart from it being a pool of creative ideas for different forms of art or anything at all, from food recipe, fashion, hairstyling, DIY projects, etc, it is always entertaining as well that I often find myself spending much time on this app and in all those time, I don't even remember the day's stress anymore or what I was worried about, instead, I always get inspiration to either try out new things, especially in fashion design which is my niche and the main reason I visit this app, other times, the stuck idea that has got me frustrated during my working hours usually get fixed with the help of Pinterest, that whenever I change phones, one of the first few apps that follows is Pinterest. If you haven't tried this app before, I urge you to and trust me, you will find something creative that sparks your passion.


    Secondly, What's a weekend without Netflix and Chilling?

    I mostly spend my stay-at-home weekends like today on Netflix, even though I try to catch up during some weekdays, it's not as fun as the weekends, because the weekdays would mostly be in the evening when I'm already overly stressed and would mostly sleep off while watching but during the weekend especially on Sundays, I get to truly enjoy my time on Netflix, gone are those days where we have to visit the cinema to watch latest interesting movies, Netflix has made life easier and also helped reduce the cost, popcorn is never an issue as I can always make that myself and family, no matter my mood, whether I want a comedy, fantasy, romance, or horror movie, Netflix provides it all and more, and I also get to spend quality time with my husband and children, which is the best form of relaxation, the best part is also being able to watch movies with any of my devices, whether by smartphone, laptop or my T.V, Netflix makes it flexible for all

    Watching the shows or movies on Netflix is more than just entertainment for me, it easily helps me get liberated from my worries and anxiety, instead, I find myself in another realm depending on what I'm watching, I don't know if anyone also feels like being transported to the different realms you watch and also feel like a character yourself as you watch, that"s the magic of a good movie, and I love this experience Netflix gives me, helping me and my family unwind.

    And last but not the least, The Hive Blockchain I get to explore Hive through different apps/Frontend From Inleo, Ecency, Peakd etc As funny as it may sound to hivers who finds the blockchain as a Full time Job, Hive is my escape place as it also help me unwind from the day's stress, I mean with all the pool of originality, creativity from hivers around the world, what's not to be entertaining, and to crown it all, engaging on Hive Is also rewarding, at first, my journey here was out of curiosity, but so far that curiosity has grown into likeness, maybe an addiction,because there is no day I don't come online on Hive for my daily dose of unwinding, especially as someone who values authenticity and meaningful interaction, I have never found a social space as genuine has Hive, I get to read and learn from different authors and also get the opportunity to share my thought, ideas and general experience as well, not forgetting the special features offered by the INLEO Frontend- Threading, where you unwind and share your thoughts, fun moments, ask a question, anything at all, the more interesting part is the amount of engagement you receive on threads, if you've been missing out, go see for yourself

    While some may view digital devices and apps as sources of distraction or stress, I've discovered that they can also serve as powerful tools for relaxation, connection and inspiration, the listed apps above and more have often come to my aid in disconnecting from stress and reconnecting to a digital world of relaxation. Of course, striking a with the way we use our devices and also involving ourselves with our daily offline activities is important, so I make sure to strike that balance, making use of my devices for personal growth, also learning to know when I've had enough screen time do I drop all and have a good rest.

    This post is inspired by the #Juneinleo monthly topics, day2, checkout Leogrowth thread for more info.

    Thank you for reading.❤❤

    Posted Using InLeo Alpha

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