Anger in the heart, how to get rid of it? MCGI Topic Reflection

in voilk •  2 months ago
    We are in a world filled with many bad things. Troubles everywhere and everything is not going as planned. The rate of poverty is high, the price of things are increasing by the day and nothing is done about it. Corruption is the order of the day as the political leaders think of nothing but themselves.

    These happenings around us is enough reason to trigger anger, bitterness and hatred from within us.

    screenshot gotten from the video here

    Being human comes with many positive as well as negative attributes. One of these attributes is that of being annoyed and lacking the spirit to forgive when needed.

    It is natural and good to get angry, however, when it is not good is when you get angry over something and refuse to forgive. Instead of correcting with love, you put hatred in heart.

    Anger is a very hard thing to get rid of. Most of the times people who get angry tend to do something which they will regret in the nearest future.

    To get rid of anger,one needs to follow the ways God, learn and practice the doctrines of Christ. We should be be able to forgive those who wrong us and love our brothers and neighbors just as we love ourselves.

    According to Brother Eli Soriano, for us to be forgiven, we should also forgive

    This is proven in the scriptures as God wants to have mercy upon us and forgive us, however, before that, we should make sure that we are in good terms with our brothers, forgive our brothers and be sure to love our brothers just as God loves us.

    Matthew 6:14 For if ye forgive men their trespasses, your heavenly Father will also forgive you: 6:15 But if ye forgive not men their trespasses, neither will your Father forgive your trespasses.

    It should go without doubt that God loves those who are very very pure in heart and he favors them also. We always want to pray to ask for mercy, we want to make heaven and want God t forgive us our sins, however, In other to be forgiven, we must forgive those who trespass against us. We must learn to have the spirit of forgiving others no matter what they do to us.

    As Christians, if we see anyone who is having anger issues, a person who finds it difficult to control their anger, then we should try as much as possible to draw that person closer to God so that they will learn the doctrines of Christ and be able to practice it.

    God is love, if we have this love however, we will be able to conquer many obstacles in life.

    Thank you for reading and may God bless you.

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