Surpassing Limits, Building Bridges! .:. BuzzParty Hamburg, April 2024

in voilk •  3 months ago

    I have to say that I took my time with writing a post about the awesome #BuzzParty2024 Hive meetup in Hamburg... I already saw so many great posts with people sharing their photos from the event, while I was recovering and recharging my batteries, trying to get to "normality"... I am not sure if I was the last one that left Hamburg, but I was there until the late afternoon on Monday...

    Anyway, this was my third "bigger" Hive gathering after the #HiveFest in Amsterdam in 2022 and #HiveBeeCon in Krakow in 2023, but this one was a bit special compared to the first two... The good side was that I knew some of the guys from previous events, but the difference was that I was one of the speakers at this event!! I mean, it was great to present the @liotes project and share some personal thoughts about HIVE, but it was a bit stressful to prepare the presentation and go out into the "open stage" and talk...

    But, let's try to do a short recap of the event and not just jump around the topics...

    photo by @louis88


    Knowing what kind of weather awaited me in Hamburg, I decided to take the last sunny, clear sky weather photo before boarding the plane in Spain...


    Well, the Hamburg weather didn't surprise me at all... As expected, in the moment when we went under the clouds, it was raining... lol... When I left the plane and was walking toward the exit, I took this photo of grey clouds... Luckily, the weather wasn't like that during the weekend and we had plenty of sun!


    That was all on Friday, the day before the first "official" BuzzParty day... I went to the hotel, met my roommate @edje waiting for me, and we went in search of dinner! :) As it was already late evening/night, not many restaurants were open (which is usually the time when restaurants in Spain open... lol...) The nearest open restaurant was serving Spanish food, but in the end, we went to the Vietnamese restaurant, which was the first time I tried a dish from there!

    Great start and hanging out with awesome @ninaeatshere, @mypathtofire and @edje

    The next morning, the BuzzParty meeting point was in the bakery which was close to the river where we took a boat excursion that day... The first encounters at these events are the best... You are looking around, trying to recognize people from previous events (if you had), or you are searching for some HIVE "gadgets" on people, like caps, pins, badges, bags, etc. 🙂 At the moment when we arrived, I think that @alessandrawhite and @bitterirony were inside, but we didn't recognize them... 😃

    When @cryptospa joined us, we saw a guy who was looking like @arcange and he decided to check him out... Of course, that was just a random German dude who came to buy a Bretzel... lol... That was the first big laugh that we had that day, which was followed by many afterward... After the "fake Arcange", the real one, and the rest of the Hivians came to the meeting place where we drank our coffees and got our personalized Hive Passes...

    Our Saturday schedule was busy, so after the bakery, we went to visit Elbphilharmonie which has a great view of the city and harbour... When we were there, we took a guided boat ride where we got great information about the Hamburg port and we had an opportunity to take a bunch of photos... Which I did, and I hope that I will create a separate post about that part! Soon... I hope... 🙂


    On our way back, we went to the main venue where we had lunch and it was time for presentations! As a very good host, @tibfox took the lead and showed us the timeline and things that we will talk about during that afternoon... Speaking of him, I want to use this space to send another HUGE THANKS for organizing the event! It was a lot of work involved, but he did an outstanding job!


    First on the stage were the @cbrs guys, @artakush and @minigunner... As I was planning to be next, I was too nervous to take any photos... I know that these guys will forgive me, as they are such a great, explosive DUO! It's amazing how they are synchronized and they presented their work amazingly! I hope that you will be able to check out all the presentations when the official videos get released... The live stream from the event didn't work because of the poor Internet connection at the venue, but all presentations were recorded!

    I thought that I was the second speaker, but @alessandrawhite jumped before me, which was even better as her presentation was exactly what I needed... A relaxing, meditating, presentation pumped up with positive vibes!!! When it was my turn, I mixed up all that I wanted to say in my head and opened the presentation in a completely different manner... 😃 Anyway, others said that it wasn't bad, so let's believe them... lol...


    Other speakers had their turn, @detlev, @arcange, @mypathtofire presenting Ecency, and @smooms from the @hiq.magazine! In the short breaks between presentations, we grabbed drinks, got some HIVE merch, and had a lot of conversations... Some of us, exchanging migraine pills to "survive" the day...

    photo by @ninaeatshere (I mean, with her phone 😃)

    To be honest, when my presentation finished and my headache pill worked the evening got better and better... We went to the place called BrewDog where you could find all possible types of beer, which was completely unimportant for me as I'm not a beer drinker... lol... But, what was the most important was a great company in the bar! Of course, @detlev is our beer professional and he was sharing his knowledge about the beer as in the end, that was the #beersaturday evening!

    I will not go into the details of what happened that night in the bar, as you know... What happens in Hamburg, stays in Hamburg... 😂


    The photo above is probably the only selfie that I made in Hamburg as I suck... lol... I took it on Sunday morning when we finished our cleaning the beach adventure! It's amazing how walking around the beach and focusing on finding trash can be relaxing... 🙂 It was the perfect way to start the day after the previous busy one! I caught many Hivians with this shot, and you can find some of them in my sunglasses reflection too!


    This photo was one of the last that we took together... Unfortunately, some Hivians had to leave before, and others left after this dinner in the Portuguese restaurant, where the food was great... just for the record!


    But, some of us didn't want to finish the meetup! For the records, a small group of Hivians, @ninaeatshere, @mypathtofire, @edje, @alessandrawhite, @bitterirony, and I, decided to find another bar and continue with the BuzzParty!!! The night was just beginning... 🍷🍸

    That will be all for this #BuzzParty2024 recap! I did take more photos from the event, and I hope I will publish at least 2 more posts in the future, just to remind myself about the great time that we had in Hamburg!

    Thanks everyone for a great time! See you at the next BuzzParty!!!

    All photos are mine if the author isn't credited...

    Thank you for your time.


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