My Cleaning Activity for Today 04 May, 2024.

in voilk •  3 months ago

    Hello, my dear friends in the #cleanplanet community. I hope we are having a glorious weekend because mine is more than glorious.

    It's the weekend, a school-free day so I did my cleaning activity today. I left my house to the street opposite mine to clean up the mess dropped off by people. Some I am sure were disposed of improperly by the neighbors and some I know were dropped off by little children passing by.

    The things I mainly picked were wraps of eatables and baby care packs. I guess the baby care item wraps came from the neighbors while the wraps of eatables such as cheese balls, biscuits and others came from passersby.

    I engaged in picking the wraps and each one was put into my picking bag.

    After the picking activity, I took the bag to my house which was not far for a short walk. When I arrived, I placed the bag of garbage in our waste container.

    I wish everyone in this world could understand the need for a clean planet. If everyone could come to the awareness of this need, I am very sure the world would be the best place to live. With a clean planet, most vectors such as rats, cockroaches and others wouldn't have had any business with our surroundings.

    This is why I will always be grateful for this great community as the #cleanplanet, which has given us, her members, the opportunity to show everyone on the blockchain how we engage in activities to ensure our planet is clean and also expose them to the importance of our cleaning activities.

    Thanks to @cleanplanet, @solarisfuture, @cleanyourcity, and @resonator for their usual encouragement.

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