How Much Will All This Be Worth?

in voilk •  3 months ago


    Crypto Bags Growing at $1500 Monthly

    After being involved more than 6 years in crypto and my bags growing at a consistent $1500 monthly it is hard to avoid the thoughts of how much will all this be worth next year? WE know the bull cycle peak will reveal huge amounts of wealth that has been hidden for years on end. How many people can afford to invest $1500 monthly in crypto and this is the difference of being in crypto and those who are not. If you don't take your crypto earnings seriously then you are wasting your time and do not understand what is coming.

    Last time around the peaks revealed around $250K as a dollar value which kind of caught me unawares and pleasantly surprised. There is a big difference from then and now and that is the sizes of the various stakes I have in multiple crypto's all growing daily earning more and more through the compounding effect. The more than 6 years of having been staking in crypto is now paying off especially as not 1 crypto token has ever been sold for FIAT. That I think is the key to the growth because it has remained stable earning more and more daily and as we all know consistency is the key to earning more.

    What excites me more than anything else is the current dollar value being generated monthly of $1500 will reflect a good 10 x next year so in real value $15K monthly growth. These are serious numbers and why the bear market is so important for creating wealth. Multiply that number over 36 months and suddenly you are contemplating a million which is indeed possible.

    My original goal was to unlock $1 million within 2 complete cycles which is 8 years and I do think the 1 stake alone that I have will do that on its own next year. Again how much it is hard to predict and why just to keep growing and accumulating is so important.

    Keep Pushing

    The important strategy right now is to continue to push and grow your bags as quickly as possible maximizing every opportunity. Don't settle thinking you have enough because you can never have too much. The next 15 or 21 months depending on how much time we have is going to be crucial on how well you do financially. Slowing down now thinking you have enough would be a big mistake.

    Next week I have the start of the new COTI airdrop which could add an extra 20% to the stake and why tonight I will be adding more. At this time no one is quite sure what the size of the airdrop will be or what it will be worth but it could be worth over $100K in my case when we see the new ATH's next year. This is something you can never plan for and is an unexpected boost that is most welcome.


    I have always believed that 8 years or two crypto cycles is all you need to break the $1 million target barrier and I do think in my case I will easily achieve this and now is to see how much I can beat this target by. I am under no illusion of how much work is still left and this time is the crucial time to keep things going. Time is your friend because we still have many months thankfully to add to our daily increasing bag sizes.

    Posted Using InLeo Alpha

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