Nothing Is Really Out Of Fashion.

in voilk •  last month

    You must have heard people saying that "the most nourishing foods are not expensive". This parlance may not be perceived to be true but in reality, most nourishing foods are not expensive. Gladly, in my community, there is a high rate of inflation and the non-availability of some crops that have made people change their taste of what to eat and how to prepare it.


    Food is an integral part of the existence of man. So, it is important to eat food to keep the body, soul and spirit together. Now that food is expensive, I mean the most available and common foods to man, one has no choice than to reconsider what to feed on and how to go about it.

    A typical example is the cost of tomatoes in the market. Before now, a basket of tomatoes cost about $13 which made it was for the common man to use tomatoes in preparing his food. In my place of residence, tomatoes are the most important food ingredients after fish and meat. The recent selling price of a basket of tomatoes is now about $100. This have given the common man a drive to consider other items that would make life less stressful for them.

    I for instance have decided to stick to the status quo since the inflation started. My computer system needs to be replaced and my phone has been in use for over four years. Rather than go for a new smartphone, I have decided to maintain what I have until the exchange becomes friendly or when I am rich enough to afford a new phone with convenience.


    Also, as a minimalist, nothing is ever out of fashion, not clothes too. They only get worn out. I recently wore my bongo trousers for a lunch party and it became the rave of the moment. At first, I wanted to stay back because my clothes don't look trendy but I wore my confidence with my clothes as I walked into the hall, happy. My clothes were well laundered and the gators of my trousers are sharp. That sounds old school but it became the talk of the day.

    That singular act has made the dying fashion of wearing bongo trousers return to the aisle of most fashion outfits. A minimalist like me deserves an award for simplicity and not hurrying myself out of proportion to be in vogue.

    Dear friends, nothing is really out of fashion. The confidence that we wear is what makes the clothes trend. Some people wear expensive clothes with low self-esteem thereby making the clothes look like rags.
    I have created a world of my own where I determine what I do to satisfy me while not affecting the next person.


    Some years ago, a colleague courageously walked up to me to ask why I wasn't wearing a bogus haircut. At my workplace then, all the guys were in dreadlocks or punk or some kind of other weird haircut. My simple response was, "Why all the headaches over nothing?". He looked me in the eye and left. A few weeks later, his heavy punk style haircut was lowered and he looked more responsible. When we got talking, he told me how much he spends every week trying to care for his hair. It really isn't worth it.

    Never allow anyone to pressure you into what will make you lavish your hard-earned money on things that do not have a direct impact on your life and the life of others. This has been my watchword and it has helped me a great deal.

    This is what life has taught me and I am living it and always will.

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