What should we look at for in a partner when trying to get married

in voilk •  6 months ago

    Photo by photo nic

    Honestly, I feel one of the leading causes of divorce in this present generation of people getting married is because people no longer take their time to study someone before popping the big question. All it takes for most of us to fall in love these days is a good looking lady with nice curves and we're sold, while for the women, most of them just need the guy to be rich. And this is why most of them (the ladies) end up getting abused because the man knows why you're there and he knows that as long as he's still rich, he can do whatever he wants.

    Of course there's nothing wrong with getting married to a rich guy, I just feel like that shouldn't be the only qualities you should look out for as a woman.

    Back in the day, things were done a lot differently over here. I remember my dad telling I and my siblings of how his mom had helped him asked around about my mom, to know what kind of lady she was and the family she was from before he even approached her. And this was because back then, family was everything and no one would want to associate with you if you came from a bad family. And seeing how superstitious we were (and still are) over here in Africa, most men wouldn't even get married to ladies whose brother (or family member) was a thief, not because they're scared of the lady being a thief themselves but because they don't want their kids to end up becoming one because we have this crazy mentality that it could be transferred somehow. So all of that made a lot of people to act straight because no one wanted to bring shame or disgrace to their family name.

    Anyways, that was how serious it was to get a good wife back then, also there were a lot of endurance in marriages (from both sides) back then unlike the marriages of today where everyone wants to walk away the moment their spouse yells at them, and this was partly because divorce wasn't something that was welcomed in this part of the world back then, it was almost seen like a taboo of some sort.

    Unfortunately for you and I who aren't married yet, we have to do things the modern way and adapt to the modern things because this isn't the days of our fathers and that is why I want to know if there are certain things you look at for in a partner when getting married to them, certain things that they must have to make a good spouse or do you just work with faith, get married and hope you got the good one amongst the many bad ones out there?

    One more thing..

    Talking about endurances in marriages, do you think that idea should still be encouraged even in today's world where there are a lot of news of assaults and abuses here and there... Should a partner endure when their spouse misbehaves or should they run away at the first sight of a red flag?

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