The Challenges and Rewards of Learning Something New

in voilk •  4 months ago

    I do not think learning is hard if you really put your mind to it and if it is something you have passion for, learning new things that you have passion for can be a work over, it will always be as if you are meant for it and will never take time before you find your way around it.

    The Skill That I Found So Easy to Learn

    After school, I thought of what to do because we all know how this country can be in terms of employment, I have passion for make-up since I was in school but I never got the chance to do that, so after school, I decided to go to the training school and learn about it.

    I registered for 3 months but my boss kudos to me because I sped up with my learning, she said I was a fast learner and she was so proud of me, It was not up to the 3 months I signed when I started bringing models and also working for my friends using them to practice, I met a lady learning too and she had spent more than six months and always complain that to learn makeup is very hard, not too long she left the school and said she can not cope anymore, I am saying this because we all have our areas of specialization and we all have our interest.


    I found makeup so easy and very interesting because I dedicated my time to learning and never saw it as a waste of time, I developed an intense passion and everything worked well for me.

    The Hardest Skill That Was Difficult For Me To Learn

    In one of my posts, I wrote about how I learned fashion during the COVID-19 pandemic, there was a lockdown in most states but my state of residence was not among them, I utilized that opportunity to learn how to sew men's wear, and I had the opportunity through my neighbor who saw me idle because school was closed and he offered to help because he was a fashion designer.

    Learning men's wear was easy for me then but he later advised me to learn how to sew ladies' wear so that I can be making dresses for myself even for my siblings and mother, though it was a good idea but not good enough for me and that was where my engine knocked, he took me to his sister to learn from her but till now I couldn't gain anything.

    Learning how to make female dresses was so hard, I don't think I can ever do that, it is so complex and the measurements can make someone go crazy, kudos to people who have these skills, I respect you for this, I think I stayed in that shop for a month and I couldn't gain anything because all I believed is that I can never know it and behold I do not know it because I never put interest in it.



    After leaving the shop I realized that I could learn it only if I had put my mind to it and if people I met there didn't discourage me by telling me it would take me more than a year before I could catch up, I blamed myself for not having trust in myself and that was the reason why I dedicated my time and developed more interest in my makeup business.


    I am glad that I didn't force myself to be what I do not want to be, maybe I would be the worst fashion designer now, but I believe in passion and interest in learning things not because people are doing it then you want to do it, if you have interest and show passion in learning then you will always find it so easy.


    This is my response to this episode of Hivelearners community prompt of #hl-w108e2 which the topic is "IS LEARNING THAT HARD?"


    Posted Using InLeo Alpha

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