Tenacity: One of my best qualities | Weekend Engagement 199

in voilk •  3 months ago

    Happy night dear readers! I hope you are feeling very well and have enjoyed your weekend and the Easter season, we had a great time here and we did many things that I will soon be sharing on my blog, for now before the end of the weekend I want share with you my participation in the Weekend Engagement 199 that corresponds to this week and on this occasion I will talk to you about the topic with which I felt identified, I hope as always that you like my post, now without further ado,! let's talk a little!

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    Tenacity - Do you have it? If you think you do, explain why giving examples.

    I must confess that I was not very sure I knew the meaning of the word “tenacious” and in fact I had to research it to be sure and when I read its meaning I immediately felt identified with the description and that is why I chose this topic to develop in this post.

    After knowing that tenacity refers to being persistent in something, I realized that it is something that I have and a lot because I have always been this way, however, I have always called this quality of mine “being intense” because that is how I find it. I feel when I persist too much with something and believe me I do it a lot. I am a person who, when he sets a goal, does not rest or give up until he reaches his goal, no matter how difficult it is or the obstacles that arise along the way, because there is nothing that stops me from getting what I want or prevents me from getting what I want. get it.

    A clear example of tenacity on my part is when learning something new, especially when it comes to a topic that I like like crafts, I have never taken a course in my life nor has anyone taught me anything, everything I know I have learned it on my own and even when I have no idea how to do something I manage to learn how to do it and I don't rest until I achieve it. Last year I had to plan my niece's gender reveal, I was in charge of all the decoration and organization in addition to being the only one who knew the sex of the baby, obviously I wanted everything to be nice and perfect, I had many ideas in mind but There were things that I had never done and I had to do at that moment, so even though I was very short on time, I dedicated myself to trying and learning until I managed to do the most difficult thing I have done so far, a huge decorated box to make the reveal of a In an original way, they were difficult days for me because I was going crazy with that task that I imposed on myself, however, I did not rest until I achieved it. The same thing happened when I learned to decorate with balloons, I had never done it but it was my birthday and I wanted to have a nice decoration with many balloons, no one else was going to do it because no one knows how to do it, so it depended only on me and that same day I I dedicated myself to learning until I made my first decoration with balloons without knowing absolutely anything, I wanted a decoration with balloons and I had it because I was persistent with it, now I am the one in charge of decorating the family celebrations.

    On the other hand, I can highlight my participation in Instagram contests, because since I won the first time I haven't stopped and to date there have been more than 100 contests that I have won. This is something with which I am very persistent, when I see a contest with a prize that I like I dedicate myself to participating tirelessly and most of the time I win, this does not always happen because it does not depend entirely on me no matter how much I do. try, but even if I lose I'm quite insistent if I really want it.

    In summary, I consider myself a fairly tenacious person in many aspects and I say this with complete certainty because not only do I think so but I have also been told this a lot and now that I understand its meaning well, I realize that I am and I really feel proud for being a tenacious person who does not give up or rest until I get and achieve what I want.

    ¡Thanks for stopping to read!
    All photographs are my property.
    Photos captured with my Samsung Galaxy A12
    Text separator made in Canva.
    See you in my next post.
    ¡Have a happy day!

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