Splinterlands End of Season Rewards - 71 Chests

in voilk •  4 months ago


    Last season was exciting and although the battles were quite tough, I managed to win most of my battles and collected 71 Bronze chests.The most interesting thing is that I collected and opened 71 chests in the previous season. The rewards I got from 71 chests are as follows.

    My End of Season Rewards

    I got 22 cards from the chests, less than the previous season but that's okay, I'm still happy with my rewards and opening 71 chests was really exciting.

    So far I have always played in the Bronze league, but now I think I am ready for the Silver league and my goal in the new season is to advance to the Silver League and stay there permanently from now on.

    I hope you get great rewards too. Best of luck to everyone.

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