Battle Mage Secrets Weekly Challenge | RULESET: Fog of War

in voilk •  2 months ago


    Hello, guys most welcome to the battle mage secret weekly challenge, and this time there is a fog of war we are going to play a fog of war battle here and I will show you how I used monsters and won this battle. Previously it took almost eight to nine battles to get the challenge battle and at that time Five alive rule set which is also a rare rule set that is why I had to play multiple battles to get this rule set. Sometimes we have to play battles for two days to get the rule set in the battle mage secret weekly challenge so this is a rule and you have to follow it because without following it you cannot participate in the challenge. If you cannot follow the rule set then it is not called a challenge so it is important to follow the challenge anyway let’s start a battle.

    Battle Rules


    • Fog of war: This is the featured ruleset in this particular challenge and according to this ruleset monster loses sneak, snipe, and opportunity abilities and that is why this is a very important rule set. So the precaution is you have to avoid sneak, snipe, and opportunity ability monsters instead of this you can take magic and ranged attack monsters.

    • Keep your distance: In this ruleset, you cannot take melee attack monsters And you don’t need to avoid it but it is automatically disabled when this rule comes in the battle. so after the Melee attack, you have two options ranged and magic and both are good attacks if you have some powerful magic attack monsters then you have to take them but make sure you are using monsters with higher health.

    My Battle Line Up


    First position: Albatross is here and it is a simple one-man monster that can be used as a bite for the enemy and that’s what I do with this card In this battle.

    Second position: I have taken a gelatinous cube. This is a monster with a scavenger ability and a very important ability and there is no melee attack monster available so it is not bad to take scavenger ability with no attacks and higher health and this is a perfect example.

    Third position: Prismatic energy is here. Since there is a keep your distance rule set then it is good to take magic reflect ability monster because there is a higher chance that the opponent can take magic attack monsters because the opponent does not have multiple options in attack.

    Fourth position: Djinn oshannus Is here and its a powerful monster with void and phase tability also it has higher health, good attacks and higher speed which is why it is a powerful magic attack monster to use in the team.

    Fifth position: Ruler of the seas is my favorite monster I always take this particular monster when I choose the water splinter team and this is very powerful in my team and because of this monster, I have won many battles in these years so ruler of the Seas is must.

    Sixth position: Merdaali guardian is here. This particular monster is known for tank heal ability and tank heal ability is very important to heal the first monster of the team because it is obvious that we can lose health in this battle so it is better to protect the health of the team that is why tank Heal Monster is important.

    The Battle

    let's start a battle

    Round 1 - Opponent lost molten ash golem by ruler of the seas' attack
    *I lost Albatross by kha'zi fire mage.

    Round 2 - Opponent lost kha'zi fire mage by prismatic energy's attack
    *Opponent lost gargoya devil by prismatic energy's attack
    *Opponent lost chaos lackey by ruler of the seas

    Round 3 - Opponent lost bloood maker by Djinn oshannus's attack
    *Opponent lost lava spider by ruler of the seas' attack

    I win

    Please share this post on social media using #play2earn and #splinterlands tags. Have a good day.

    Thank you

    Lucky Ali

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