5 places I recommend to visit in this life

in voilk •  5 months ago


    Source: iPhone 14 Pro @ Tokyo Skytree


    the theme for today's #februaryinleo, the initiative for increasing the interaction and the quality of posts, is about the 5 places to visit before we die, which falls under the #funfriday.

    I managed to travel in some nice parts of the world, on 4 different continents, Europe, where I live, Asia (Russia, Middle East & Far East), North America and Africa. I can say, we live on a very beautiful planet, with very interesting cultures, peoples, and traditions.

    I will go and describe some of them, which I enjoyed and where I gladly go back again to.


    First would be Japan. I work for a Japanese company, and travel to Japan. It is a different country, with strange relationships, with code of honour and intriguing way of doing things. I travelled to Japan from Yokohama to the Northern part, very close to the disputed Northern territories. It differs so much on every aspect of it. Outside the urban areas, the people are humbler, try to appreciate life more and are a lot in contact with nature. In the big cities, there is the big city loneliness, most have their friends only from work and some adopt the hikikomori lifestyle, which is social isolation. As a European, life was easy every time I was there, just follow the basic rules, be polite, humble, respect the others, and the world will open up. If I would ever need to move out of Europe, I would definitely go to Japan, with all the challenges there.



    Second, is my favourite city in Germany, Dresden. After the communist pest, when most of it was left to rot, now it shines again, and the city is rebuild. You could feel that it has been build by Italians, as the prince who ruled it, brought the Italian constructors to build this marvel of a city.


    The third would be the whole of Italy. It is the best European country by far, good food, gorgeous scenery, warm people and the most beautiful language (try to convince me of other). Italy is for me the richest country on Earth, from the before mentioned points of view.


    The Croatian Coast would be the fourth destination. It is still not so full of tourists as Italy, and the Adriatic Sea has its splendour. The clear water and the sceneries make it up or the lack of infrastructure.


    The fifth would be Austria, the country that was my second home in my childhood. It is an amazing country, with breathtaking mountains and good food. It is not ranking higher, because it has no sea.

    There would be some worthy mentions, like:

    • Paris


    • Prague


    • Dubai


    • Bavaria


    All photos are mine, and describe places I love.

    So which places would you recommend visiting before you die?

    This is part of the initiative #februaryinleo, where you can still participate, even if you missed the post from the start, like I did. All the details are in here and in here.


    Posted Using InLeo Alpha

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