Recognizing and Avoiding Common Online Scams.

in voilk •  3 months ago

    The world is really turning upside down especially in the hands of fraudsters which do things that are illegal to people even with the fact they those they do it to and naive they still do not care if bad thing eventually happens to them or not which is not right. These act has now been making a lot of people feel unsafe and insecure about the way they deal with people online and even when you get someone with a clean heart online, you won't want to trust them because you feel they are not real.


    Last week, while we were preparing for a lab work with some of my friends around in school. A friend came to me and showed me a message he got from one of these fraudsters, telling him all sort of stories that he was owning them some amounts of money, and he needs to pay before a certain date. He was so confused and came to me about what he was supposed to do.

    Before he came to me, he has been trying so hard to reach out to these guys to let them know that he did borrow any loan from them and wanted to confirm who did their on his name, but it was to no avail because they didn't pick up. When he came to me, he told me to try it again, and I told him not to worry that they will never pick up because they were interested in the money he wanted to pay, but he refused.

    I tried calling him on my phone and also tried texting the number on WhatsApp even called the number through WhatsApp calls, but they didn't pick. I had to let him know that these guys will scam him and steal all his money if he is not calm enough. They know he has not done such, but that is a way they feel they could get back to people because they know some people are still naive about things like that.

    Not only that, sometimes they do these things to elderly one, the aged people and those one will begin to run from one place to another because they will think they do not want to spike their reputation which is a liar. One thing I do tell people is that, if it was a bank issue, your bank will never call you to come to the bank for issue's resolving, but instead they will block your account or lay an embargo on it so in this way, you will want to know what is wrong and go to the bank yourself.

    Now the world is going so fast and a lot of things are changing. People trying to make money at all cost, not necessarily bothered about what will happen or the consequences of their actions. That is why we need to stay vigilant and be so careful not to be victimized because it will make us learn our less compared in the hard way.

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