Buying and Opening Gladius Packs

in voilk •  5 months ago

    It's been a while since I purchased Gladius booster packs and opened them hence, today is the day I will do this. Earlier I used to do it once a month approximately but not anymore because I do not want to keep my merits balance sitting idle in my account instead I prefer to buy the pack and open it to see whatever cards are inside. This way I can level up the existing cards because I get more and combine to increase the levels. Playing brawl is not just fun but rewarding because we get SPS and merits both and it does not require much time. Sometimes this reward can be even better depending upon how the team has performed.


    We always expect some gold file and legendary cards while opening the packs and similarly, I also expect the same. Opening pack is an exciting part of the game that I often talk about and it is fun because we don't know what we are going to get and the outcome is completely random. I just checked the balance for merits in my account and currently, I have over 12K merits which means I can buy six packs which I think is a good amount. I already have Enough portions and the possibility of getting legendary is higher but again this is also not guaranteed and depends on luck. Since I'll be buying 6 packs so in total I'll be getting 30 cards and let us see if I get a legendary or gold foil today.

    Packs Buying

    The available pay account is zero in my account as you can see on the below snapshot and the buying process is just like a few clicks and you are done. You just need to enter the count of packs you are going to buy and you will be able to see the total payable merits updated automatically.


    Once the count is entered then click on the button to pay and confirm the transaction by clicking on the OK button. That's ALL you need to do and the purchase is done successfully because I have done it already hence you can see that I have got 6 packs available in my account. NOW pack purchase is done and it is time to go ahead and open it to see what cards are inside and what day or not.


    Packs Opening

    I prefer opening all the packs in one go and even I open all the cards to save time because I don't want to spend more time by clicking one by one and I also don't think it is really necessary. When we can do it all in one go then why should I spend more time on this? I have opened all the packs now-


    Here is what I have received and I must say that there is no legendary or gold file I have received today. Looks like not a great day for me today in terms of the card out of these Gladius packs but I am happy that I have got one Quora. This is one of the powerful cards in this edition and I am trying to upgrade the one I have hence with this one I will be able to combine one more card and hopefully this will make it even better.


    Undoubtedly the Gladius cards are powerful in the game however these are soul-bound hence we cannot trade in the game but that does not mean these cards are not valuable. We have also got a couple of seminars in the game that allow us to use additional gladius cards on ranked battles and that's when holding powerful cards on the higher level helps because it also increases the chances of winning. Whatever the outcome of pack buying an opening today is fine with me and I'm happy because at least I have got one card that is in demand and the rest are also good because I have got a couple of epic and rare cards including multiple common of course.



    The Next season for Brawl will be starting in a couple of hours and then it will be time to set up the teams and get ready for the battle. I make sure that I participate on time without any delay or the miss because reward is great. We earn SPS as part of the reward along with merits where SPS is something that everyone likes to have more. Merits can be used to buy the packs which I did for 6 Gladius packs and its like the more merits we get the more us to buy more packs and ultimately we can have high-level and powerful cards from Gladius Edition.

    Images from game

    Thank you

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