Okan's garden update 🪷 - 10012024

in voilk •  21 days ago

    My Okan's Garden update

    Since the autumnal equinox day, the severe heat in Osaka has gradually eased up. This summer was really hot, with days exceeding 35 degrees Celsius, but the temperature began to drop to around 25 degrees Celsius at night around the time of the autumnal equinox. Even though the autumnal equinox had arrived, there were no higanbana flowers (spider lilies) in bloom, and my mom and I were talking about whether it was because it was so hot this year. In my mother's garden, a rare white cluster of spider lilies (higanbana) is blooming.

    秋分の日から少しずつ大阪も厳しい暑さは和らいできました。 この夏は本当に暑く、35度を越える日が続いていましたが、秋分の日をすぎた辺りから夜は25度前後まで気温が下が始めました。 秋の彼岸が来ても、「彼岸花」が咲いておらず今年はやっぱり暑いからかなぁとオカンと話をしていました。 オカンの庭には珍しい白の彼岸花が咲いています。

    White Spider Lilies (Higanbana)

    Higanbana are seasonal flowers that bloom in full bloom at the edge of gardens and on riverside banks during the autumnal equinox season. They are representative of this time of year, and the word "higanbana" conjures up images of red flowers. The red higanbana is very conspicuous when it blooms on the banks and is a very eye-catching flower by the riverside. However, in my mother's garden, there is a rare white higanbana blooming. She got it from my sister's garden and has been growing it for several years. It seems to be very rare, and friends of hers have asked several times if they could have it, so she has shared it with them. I hope that this white cluster of higanbana (spider lilies) will grow and spread in Osaka.

    彼岸花は秋の彼岸の時期に庭の端や、川辺の土手に満開に咲く季節花です。 この時期を代表する花で、「彼岸花」と言えば赤い花をイメージします。 その赤い彼岸花は、土手で咲くととても目立ち、川辺でとても目を引く花です。 そんな彼岸花ですが、オカンの庭には珍しい白の彼岸花が咲いています。 姉の庭に咲いていた白の彼岸花を分けてもらい、数年かけて増やしたそうです。 とても珍しい様で、お友だちが欲しいと何度か言われ分けてあげたそうです。 大阪で、この白の彼岸花が増えるといいなぁと思っています。

    My lotus pot

    This year I planted a lotus for the first time and grew it in a Shigaraki-ware pot given to me by my uncle. This year, only one flower bloomed, but it was a really beautiful white lotus flower. The bud came out of the mud, and the beautiful lotus flower bloomed, and I was admiring the beautiful flower. I am hoping for more blooms next year 🎵.

    今年は初めて蓮を植えて、この叔父から貰った信楽焼の鉢で蓮を育てています。 今年は1つしか花を咲きませんでしたが、本当にきれいな白蓮華の花を咲かしてくれました。 泥からすっと蕾が出てきて、きれいな蓮の花が咲きなんともきれいな花だなぁと見とれていました。 来年はもっと咲いて欲しいなぁと思っています🎵

    🥦 ᚨᛚᚢ 🥦

    🥦 ᛗᛁᛉᚢᛟ ᛫ ᚾᛗᚱᚲ 🥦

    🥦 Ha det så bra!🥦

    🥦See you again!🥦


    🥦 https://linktr.ee/mizuo 🥦

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    🌬1) Prosperity - 利

    🌬2) Decline - 衰

    🌬3) Disgrace - 毀

    🌬4) Honor - 誉

    🌬5) Praise - 称

    🌬6) Censure - 譏

    🌬7) Suffering - 苦

    🌬8) Pleasure - 楽

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