Hello everyone.
I continue right from where I left off previously. Riding my white wolf towards the river where it is said that one of Ragnar Lodbrok's sons lost his life.

The journey was long and upon arrival I find myself with several fellow Vikings orchestrating a plan to attack the last Saxon city not yet under the rule or control of the Raven clan.

I had finally managed to gather every one of the allies and friends I had made since the beginning of my adventure. And after talking it over, we decided to come up with a plan of attack so that victory would be inevitable. And to achieve this, it was agreed to attack at night to catch them off guard.

When night finally fell, we gathered again and, after a few words of encouragement, the army's morale rose. We broke up into small platoons to cover more ground.

During the attack I did not find much resistance from the soldiers, who were overcome by the Viking force. Only the enemy leader faced me in combat, showing off his mastery of the long sword and shield.

After an entertaining exchange of blows, I achieved my victory. My opponent asked me to end his life so that he could die with pride, but when I refused, he decided to take his own life. I found this scene brutal and it happened so fast that I am amazed that I was able to capture the moment.

As we stepped outside, the confrontation between the two armies continued. The once flimsy Saxons had now regrouped and were beginning to cause a nuisance. So much so that, from one moment to the next, I saw Soma, one of the first allies I had, fall before me.

From one moment to the next, Eivor's rage seized him and, with his hammer, he began to strike down any enemy that appeared in front of him. It didn't matter the difference in numbers or how well protected the opponents were; they all fell before the Viking leader's war cries.

At the end of the night victory was achieved and no enemy was left standing. The houses were not left standing either, as the order had been given to burn that settlement to the ground.

And as it could not be otherwise, the few forces that remained in our bodies were used to assemble the pyres in which we would give eternal rest to all those comrades fallen in battle.

As I mentioned earlier, we had achieved victory, but at what cost? Many fell as warriors defending their ideals and died in combat, which is considered an honorable death. That is why, after a farewell, Eivor is the first to light the fire.

Back at the base camp I talked to Randvi and I was surprised to know that I have reached all the alliances and for the first time Brittany is under the control of the Vikings. I don't know how long this will last, but what I do know is that there are still adventures and places to visit, and you can be sure that I will share them here soon.

Credits and Resources // Créditos y Recursos
Cover page created in Canva
Translated by DeepL

Cover page created in Canva
Translated by DeepL