Three health tips that I put into practice regularly

in voilk •  8 days ago

    I hope you have a spectacular weekend. Mine started today, Saturday, when I went to work. Last night, Friday, when I got home from work, my supervisor called me on my cell phone and asked me if I wanted to work a half-shift today, Saturday? And how could I refuse? In my country they say that opportunities are painted by the bald man, which means that you have to take advantage of them.

    Tomorrow, Sunday, will be my only day off of the week and I'm already planning to spend time with my children and take them to a nearby park and eat some ice cream.

    I want to take advantage of the rest of the afternoon today to participate in this community initiative WEEKEND EXPERIENCES with the Weekend Engagement Topics: WEEK 225 to talk to you about the topic:*

    What are the three most important health tips to lead a healthy and happy life after age 40?

    I am not currently 40 years old but I will soon reach that beautiful age; however, I am already preparing and I want to share with you 3 health tips that I am practicing and of course I practice many more but these are the 3 essential ones in my life. If you know others you can leave them in the comments it would be very interesting to share opinions with you.

    1- Sleep 7 to 8 hours a day, and wake up every morning with a clear conscience, with the peace of mind that comes from feeling like you're doing things right. Today on my way to work I felt at peace, calm and happy, especially when I saw this beautiful sunrise:


    I know it's not the best job in the world to pack cookies, but I feel good and I have some great coworkers. I took some photos of my trip, I hope you enjoy them.


    2-Spend time with your loved ones, hugging those people you love and telling them how important they are, enjoying every moment with them. them and always teaching by example.


    And my last advice Take care of yourself, your diet, your body, your free time, take some time to be alone, go out, enjoy, reflect. As they say in my country “give yourself a little love from time to time”


    I say goodbye with this phrase that I found on Google:

    “Freedom and health are similar: their true value is known when we lack them”
    Henri Becque
    French playwright

    Photos from my gallery
    Own story

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