My Kid's Table Manner

in voilk •  2 months ago

    My photo collection

    Yesterday my daughter had a task to hold a table manner. She worked with her mates. All students brought cooked food. In school, they arranged the food in good display.

    Every students brought different food. In Indonesia, the main course should be rice. The rice companions are various from chicken to meat. There are also some desserts like fruits and cold drink.

    The event is held in the end of the year of study. It is also used as socialization media for students and teachers.

    My photo collection

    The appearance of the display was amazing. All students and teachers ate together after the teacher took the score. The event gave opportunity for students to be creative. The scoring was not only the taste but also the appearance.

    My photo collection

    Tofu and Tempe were available in all groups. Tempe is fermented soybeans. It has high protein and minerals. It can be a substitution of meat for vegetarians.


    Tempeh or tempa can be fried, boiled, or steamed. There are also variation of dishes from tempe.

    Source :

    Tempe has been part of life Javanese people. The invention of tempe was in the Javanese Kingdom era. It supplied protein for Javanese people when they suffered of lack of meat in the Dutch colonialism.

    Tempeh is available in all traditional market. It is usually sold in blocks. A small block of tempe is around $0.4. It is cheap. It can be stored for three days in room temperature but the texture will change. Have you ever tried tempe?

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