Landscapes from a sunny country

in voilk •  4 months ago

    Been a while since I posted for #monomad challenge; and decided that showcasing a little bit of my own country would be a good way to join in today! And yes, although the photos are in different shades of grey, you can be sure the sun was shining high and bright in most of them; after all, Portugal is the sunniest country in Europe.

    I chose this set for no particular reason besides enjoying the scenes and the memories behind them, but did try to include photos from all over the country. Starting with the southern interior, the quiet Alentejo.


    See? I told you the sun was shining! Not that high here, since we were approaching the golden hour. Alentejo is a region that is well known for its endless fields, whith scattered trees, and this photo is a good example of it.

    Center country, on the other hand, is greener, and rockier. Good thing is, among the mountains, there are gems like his one.


    If my memory deosn't fail me, this little waterfall is called Bica Negra, near Ferreira do Zêzere. One of the nice surprises that comes with doing nature trails, being able to witness wonders like this. And there are sooo many throughout the country, I think I could do a full series only with little waterfalls! (Hum.... mental note: a nice idea for a future post!)

    But off we go. Where to? To the south it is, to another landscape cherished by locals and tourists alike: beaches!


    This is praia do Barril, with the characteristic dune vegetation; nearby, an anchor cemitery is the ex-libris of this place. We have to walk a little bit or take a mini train to get here, but the trip is worth it, whatever means of transportation you choose.

    Another one of my favourite landscapes, and in order not to leave the north of the country unnatended... near a river called Paiva, a wooden walkway was made, bringing a lot of visitors to a beautiful place. I do prefer the trails without man made structures, and this part of the trail is one of my favourites.


    A post about nice portuguese landscapes would miss out if I didn't include two more pearls, the portuguese islands! Both Madeira and Açores have absolutely stunning landscapes, and a lonely photo won't do them justice, but for you to have an idea... this is Madeira, during a hiking trail that ends in that big waterfall seen in the distance:


    To the end, stays Açores, with one of the most beautiful views I had there: the beautiful island Pico has the highest mountain in Portugal, and this was my breathtaking view, as I climbed to the very top:


    How curious are you to visit Portugal now? ;)


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