Pelacor Conjurer is undoubtedly the best card to use with Weapons Training (EN-ES)

in voilk •  5 months ago

    Images obtained in @splinterlands | Freepik

    Hello Splinterlands friends, in today's post I want to share with all of you a magnificent combat in which to see how powerful the Soulbound cards found in Splinterlands rewards can be.

    In this low mana combat I make use of 1 card with the Weapons Training ability which is definitely amazing combined with several low mana cost cards and no attack.

    Let's take a closer look at the strategy.

    Hola amigos de Splinterlands, en el post de hoy quiero compartir con todos vosotros un magnífico combate en el que ver lo poderosas que pueden llegar a ser las cartas Soulbound que encontramos en las recompensas de Splinterlands.

    En este combate de poca cantidad de maná hago uso de 1 carta con la habilidad Weapons Training que definitivamente es increíble combinada con varias cartas de bajo coste de maná y sin ataque.

    Veamos la estrategia con detenimiento.


    Sturgis Birds is the card with the Weapons Training ability offered in the Life element. It is characterized for being the card with the lowest mana cost among all of them and for having a powerful magic attack.

    Aves Sturgis es la carta con la habilidad Weapons Training que nos ofrecen en el elemento Vida. Se caracteriza por ser la carta de más bajo coste de maná de entre todas y por tener un poderoso ataque mágico.

    With which cards we can combine it

    Without a doubt Pelacor Conjurer is one of the best cards in Splinterlands and together with a card with the Weapons Training ability it becomes really powerful. That's why if I have the opportunity I use it together with Birds Sturgis. Its only 2 points of mana cost together with its Flying, Magic Reflect, Divine Shield and Phase abilities make it unique.

    Sin lugar a duda Pelacor Conjurer es una de las mejores cartas de Splinterlands y junto con una carta con la habilidad Weapons Training se vuelve realmente poderosa. Es por ello que si tengo la oportunidad la uso junto con Aves Sturgis. Sus solo 2 puntos de coste de maná junto con sus habilidades Flying, Magic Reflect, Divine Shield y Phase la hacen única.

    Kra'ar Xoc is another of the many non-attacking creatures in Splinterlands that benefit from the Weapons Training ability. It is notable for costing only 1 mana point and having the Scavenger and Redemption abilities.

    Kra'ar Xoc es otra de las muchas criaturas sin ataque de Splinterlands que se ven beneficiadas por la habilidad Weapons Training. Destaca por costar tan solo 1 punto de maná y tener las habilidades Scavenger y Redemption.

    A wonderful combat

    Click to see the battle
    Mana: 13

    Fog of War
    Born Again
    Tis but Scratches

    When facing combats with such a low amount of mana, I prefer to use a lot of weak cards rather than just one very powerful one. The great advantage we have with cards like Birds Sturgis is that it doesn't cost much mana and we can combine it with several cards to give them attack power and thus build a good strategy.

    Being able to have cards of only 1 or 2 mana points with a magic attack power of 3 points is crazy and we can do a lot of damage to our enemy with this combat strategy. In addition to the benefit we get with for example Pelacor Conjurer as a defensive card, difficult to hit both with melee attacks, such as ranged or magic.

    Ante combates de tan baja cantidad de maná prefiero usar mucha cantidad de cartas débiles que tan solo una muy poderosa. La gran ventaja que tenemos con cartas como Aves Sturgis es que no cuesta mucho maná y la podemos combinar con varias cartas para otorgarles poder de ataque y así montar una buena estrategia.

    Poder disponer de cartas de tan solo 1 o 2 puntos de maná con un poder de ataque mágico de 3 puntos es una locura y podemos hacer mucho daño a nuestro enemigo con esta estrategia de combate. Además del beneficio que conseguimos con por ejemplo Pelacor Conjurer como carta defensiva, difícil de golpear tanto con ataques cuerpo a cuerpo, como a distancia o mágicos.

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