A Lovely Day : #15

in voilk •  2 months ago

    If you are just finding out about DreeMerge Season 2 and want your chance at the 350 HBD prize - Scroll to the bottom to get all the help you need to catch up!

    A Lovely Day

    A few days later, the sun rose with Amani once again, as her excitement carried her out the door.

    “Good morning my lovely-” she paused, noticing something different about her community garden. Vines had begun to connect the plants in a tangled, amalgamated unit of families! Blueberries to Mint, or was it Carrot? Carrots to Peppers, or was it Peppers to Blackberries? It was a big knot of joyful new potentials! Her eyes widened as a big smile stretched across her face.

    “This is so good!” She excitedly expressed. “What caused it, though?”

    She didn’t give it much thought, as she was just happy something was happening. She then looked at the distance between the plants and their combinations. Maybe she could make the connections extend to everyone! She dug up the Blueberries and Mint and placed them next to the others and had Mint facing both the Peppers and Blackberries to see if either connected.

    She crafted herself a picnic that day and lay down, surrounded by all of her plants as she peered into the bright blue sky. It was a nice day, considering the last couple days had been mostly overcast.

    “I wish I could be like you guys and get to experience being outside all day, every day. Of course, I could do that, but it wouldn’t be very fun once it rained.” She sighed. “Even still, being outside for as long as I am is never truly enough.”

    She read for a little bit and then got right back to work, all the way until the wispy, foggy night arrived. Then, she retreated back inside.

    The fruits and vegetables at this point were all doing very well. Families were beginning to unite and merge based on the relationships developing throughout the Garden! Brómber and Munt were inseparable and their calm spirits settled sweetly over almost every part of the garden. Pimenta and Braam learned how to communicate, focusing on strengths and minimizing weaknesses. Their example influenced the garden as well, improving communication throughout most the plants. Pip's friendship with Zekka blossomed as well. Pimenta watched the two bond, and her fear of Zekka slowly faded away. Though Braam had taught her how to sharpen her skills in fighting with his father’s techniques - he now emphasized the importance of connection and kindness. Zekka used her warrior skills to begin to teach Pim how to channel her strength in dealing with others, like her sister Bżar.

    The four musketeers (three of the pepper gals and one carrot chick) brought light and joy and the dreemiest giggles everywhere they went - causing the garden to radiate warmth and grow denser with fruits of everyone’s labor. Mentă found every opportunity, day after day, week to week - to pour motherly love into Myrtille to undo the aggressive techniques she witnessed from Kupina - while Kupina attempted to undo all the “mommy garbage” that Mentă was using to soften his protege. Though she couldn’t really say she “enjoyed” the garden community, B’Zar watched from afar and tolerated Zekka, Kupina, and Myrtille. The rest of them annoyed her with their oblivious, happy-clappy nature and she despised her ties with any of them.

    Mento, Curran and Cairead and the Blackberry Boys spent more time discussing formulas about how to learn nature’s techniques with each plant - and teach each other how to strain to morph their inherent qualities into dreemy mutations. What had started out as plans to inspire Amani had become the driving force to complement her dreemy plans and infuse them into their own ways to morph so they could become her dreem-come-true.

    Late one afternoon, the Peppers had gone out to spend some time catching up with all the new developments in the Garden when a familiar voice sounded behind Pim.

    “Well, if it isn’t the three witches.”

    “What do you want, Bżar?” Pim whipped her head around, confronting B’zar.

    “To have some fun in the garden again! Burned some ants, scorched some leaves. But I’m in the mood for some livelier entertainment.”

    “Well, get lost. We don’t want you here,” Pim snarled.

    “Oh I forgot, mommy thinks she’s the boss of me again!” Bżar poked and walked closer. “I bet it’s been hurting, knowing I’ve been free from your grasp, your royal highness, but you can’t do anything to m-”

    Quick as a flash, Pim swung a left jab and a right cross and knocked her sister clean out. Zekka’s training - though not always the best means of communication, had been most suitable for this occasion. Pim had always believed that violence was never the answer. She had to recently change that to - violence was sometimes the only answer for certain questions. With B’zar, they had really grown well beyond the point where words mattered. Actions spoke louder, and the action stated that B’zar was no longer welcome.

    Bżar came to, attempted to stand up, but fell down again.

    Wiping her mouth, and licking her lip - she spat onto the ground. “That’s…real cute,” Bżar muttered.

    “I told you we don’t want you here. We have tried to love you, but you are the one that has refused to be part of this family. There comes a point where we have to let go of certain people, and your time has come. All these years, you’ve kept us from making meaningful connections to this Garden. We might have lost you, but we have gained much more - and I don’t want you to be hurting them anymore.”

    Bżar finally stood up, still with that trademark irritable smirk. “Enjoy your new family. You all deserve each other.” She stomped off, setting little sparks along the way, that sizzled and fizzled before doing any damage. Pim had a feeling she was leaving the Garden for good, but hoped that one day she would have a change of heart and return. For that to happen, a lot would have to be different.

    Posts of Season 2
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    Thanks to @shadowspub, @penderis, @bluefinstudios, @kemmyb, @wesphilbin, @melinda010100, @samsmith1971, @silversaver888, @lizelle, @kenechukwu97, @jacoalberts, @acgalarza, @blackdaisyft, @balikis95, @alessandrawhite, and @dreemsteem for making the @dreemport voting power go farther! ❤️

    Image created for DreeMerge2 using Midjourney

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