100 Weeks, Countless Stories

in voilk •  5 months ago

    Memory is the diary that we all carry about with us.- Oscar Wilde

    I still wonder what would have been left of my hive journey if I didn’t have people who stood by me on the days I wanted to give up. Joining the hive learners community when I first came to the hive blockchain was really stressful because the first time I registered to be able to take part in the featured contests I got rejected. If I can remember quite well, you had to write your username and the date on a piece of paper and take a picture of yourself holding it. And to make things worse, what I thought was weird was when you had to be interviewed after taking the photo before you’d be qualified.😅

    image designed on canva

    The whole process seemed a little bit off to me because I hadn’t come across any community on hive that had this many requirements. At that time when I received my first rejection from hive learners community ( I had a broken heart😂) I didn’t know what else to do cos it’s seems I had to wait for a month before I could apply again. I just lost interest totally because I thought it was stressful. Thank God for the good people I met on hive, @depressedfuckup @quduus1 were always on my neck about this registration for hive learners and they even kept track of the dates.😂 In my mind I was like ‘what’s with all the worrying’ but they didn’t give up on me and finally I got verified. @moremoney28 was also there to remind me to take part in the weekly featured contests because I was busy with school then. I would keep ghosting him and tossing him around until he made sure I made a post.😅



    Whew! Now, I don’t even need to be told to make a post because I always look forward to taking part in the hive learners weekly featured contests. I can say that I’ve taken part in so many weekly engagement contests which I’ve totally lost count of now. Through this same weekly engagement contest, I was able to meet so many amazing people on hive and that also channeled my path to the newbies initiative of the #hivelearners community. I doubt if I would have been able to take part in the newbies initiative if I hadn’t been verified by the community so I guess that push was necessary.

    Each week, the topics for the weekly featured contest keep getting interesting. Sometimes I’m like ‘what am I going to write for this contest cos….’ but you know what? I love challenges and that pushes me to think outside the box and come up with an amazing post for the contest. For most of these contests, the topics are suggested by our fellow hivers and so most of us are able to resonate with them. And oh, you come to appreciate the beauty of diversity after reading entries from various individuals across the globe.

    Let’s not even look too further, one topic I was able to connect very much to on an emotional level was that of w99e2. For this contest, we were to share an instance where we lost commitment to something we used to be really committed to. I wrote about how my final year project turned out to be a disaster, thanks to my project supervisor. You can read the post here . Looking back, I hadn’t been able to fully let out all my frustrations during the period up until I wrote that post. I was given an opportunity to let it all out because deep down, I really felt terrible cos I felt I didn’t give in my all but truth is, it wasn’t even my fault but I had to take the fall for it.

    When we talk about tough topics, hive learners has a way of surprising me most of the time.😅 It’s really a tough choice to make but I think I’d go for week96e02 contest where we were required to talk about how our parents are not always right. For someone who’s from a typical African home, my parents are always assumed to be right. I had to think and think and think until my brain cells almost died. In the end, I published my post- I just hope my mom doesn’t come across it one day.😂

    I would say, it’s been all fun and adventurous since I joined the hive learners community and I’m very happy to be able to celebrate this amazing milestone with the community. Looking forward to many more weeks of featured contests.🥳

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