I had hoped to run a rugged trail 50 km today but my body and training had gone downhill over the past couple of weeks and thus I simply ran out on the trails today - I'll hopefully be up for a long 34 hours trail ultra in a month over in NM.
I had to work on our rv waste water system most of the day yesterday so it was a welcome day to get out and enjoy the fresh air and mild temperatures. Lulu was up for a couple of relaxed miles early this morning and it helped loosen up my sore legs and back.
Granite Basin had a good number of people there and I shared several trails with them. I felt good enough to push the pace as the trails were try and easy to navigate. I finished up with a speedy downhill for about a mile that made my overall pace just a bit over 10 minutes a mile which was very good considering it was on the dirt.