continue to see the care of durian trees getting better

in voilk •  last month

    Planting durian fruit requires careful preparation and proper care to get optimal results.
    The main requirements for planting durian include sufficient sunlight intensity, location height between 0-500 meters above sea level, stable temperature between 24-32 degrees Celsius, soil pH between 5-6.5, and fertile, loose soil, and has good drainage.

    The stages in planting durian include selecting quality durian seeds, preparing the land by clearing weeds and unwanted trees, making a large enough planting hole, and regular fertilization.

    Here's the correct way to plant durian so that it bears fruit quickly: Choose seeds that are healthy, fresh, disease-free and have strong stems with branches in more than 2 directions.

    Make sure the seeds come from vegetative propagation such as durian tree cuttings or shoot grafting for higher quality plants. Avoid durian seeds that have plant pests and make sure they have lots of leaves. Selecting the right durian seeds is very important to ensure optimal durian growth and satisfactory harvest results.

    With criteria such as healthy, disease free, strong stems, and originating from vegetative propagation, you can get quality durian seeds that can grow well on your land.
    To plant durian, first prepare the land you will use by clearing it of wild plants. After that, loosen the land using a hoe and prepare manure to enrich the soil.

    Next, make a planting hole measuring 80 x 80 x 70 cm and the distance between the holes is around 10-12 meters. Durian planting should be done at the start of the rainy season to ensure the plants get an adequate water supply.

    When the planting hole is ready, insert the durian seed into the planting hole and make sure it is positioned upright. Maintaining durian plants during the growth period is also important to ensure the plants grow well. After that, regularly provide manure to meet the nutritional needs of durian plants. Effective watering of durian trees requires special attention, especially during the initial planting period, dry conditions and the rainy season. In the early planting period, watering can be done every day to maintain soil moisture and help the development of strong roots.

    After a few months, the watering frequency can be reduced to 2-3 times a week depending on weather conditions and soil moisture. During dry conditions, watering needs to be done regularly so that the durian tree still gets enough water. Usually watering is done every day or at least every two days depending on the condition of the soil.

    On the other hand, during the rainy season, we need to pay attention to a smooth drainage system so that water does not pool around the durian tree. Too much water can cause the roots to rot and affect the growth of the durian tree.








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