Proud Of Our Daughter - She's So Grateful!

in voilk •  4 months ago

    Birthday girl 2024 (8).jpg

    Another birthday

    Yes, it's true these months of the year are busiest with birthdays and this was one long awaited by our daughter because she starts counting early on in the year, that's how much she looks forward to these days. This year she was lucky, they had a school trip that day so she felt extra special being out with all her friends in a special environment. We were happy for her that this was a day with double fun due to the trip.

    Almost holidays

    It's also the week before the Easter holidays start "Semana Santa" as they call it here. This means that they really have a short week, just 4 days and not too much pressure because this trimester (on the contrary to the previous ones) they have not planned a single exam in the last week before the holidays. This was a relief to be honest, this is much nicer for the kids to have a chill last week before the holidays start.

    Early singing

    We got up half an hour earlier than usual to sing for the little one and getting ready went smooth as can be. We also decided to give her first gift in the morning before leaving for the school trip, which was a digital pen so she can start creating things on the tablet rather than paper only. I have a feeling she may have the interest to learn that and become good at it too.

    Proud of her

    I can't help but being proud every single time that she's so grateful with the smallest things such as a compliment, making her smile from ear to ear. Or when I buy her new socks or underwear, even that makes her so happy because she got something new. Imagine how happy she is when she opens a gift and finds something new to play with or to wear? This time she got the digital pen and a dress for a gift, the joy on her face, it's so satisfying.

    She definitely learned that it doesn't matter how many gifts or if they are big or small, but the thought that counts. Of course we also gave her the necklace the day before the birthday so it were actually three gifts but still, I remember many kids from my class when I was a child, being very ungrateful brats when they didn't get the most expensive gifts. I'm happy she's not like that, I think if she'd only had cake for her birthday, she'd also have been happy and grateful for spending time together with us.

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    Cake and full attention

    After we picked her up from her school trip, we went to the bakery to eat cake and have a drink together. She's very grateful when we make time to spend with her together and I'm happy that we are more aware of the fact that even just 15 minutes of full attention on a busy day is a making a huge difference for her and we both made ourselves aware of doing that every day. Even if my boyfriend is working 12 hours that day, he will always end it with some 1 on 1 time with her. I try to insert more creative moments together which she really loves, and so do I as she's so talented in many things, it's crazy and it makes me so proud!

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    Choosing dinner

    What still makes me smile, but also sad at the same time is that when I ask her what she wants for dinner on her birthday, she picks the same pasta I used to make for my oldest daughter when I asked her this question. It's a good reminder they are siblings and it must be some sort of sign that this is the way it is. I won't bore you with that picture as I've shared it before.

    Trying to draw

    When her father had no clue, she started to create a drawing for father's day, and had to be careful that he didn't see it by accident. I will share another time how her first artwork on the tablet turned out as this is one of these memorable moments I want to capture for later..

    Cinema at home!

    Now she mentioned a few times that she'd like to have a cinema moment again but as this month is quite expensive I try to not throw money at a cinema as I think it's a nice thing to do but definitely not worth that much money which it costs nowadays. But daddy had a great solution for that, he said we can make a home cinema, tell me which movie you want to see and I will try to make it happen.


    We went to see Wonka together in the cinema but in Spanish, we both loved the movie but her father hadn't seen it yet. It was recommended to also watch it in English so that evening we did. We all enjoyed it, and it was a late night for a school night but who cares, she rarely makes a fuzz in the morning and as long as she's such a champ doing well at school, I really couldn't be bothered much when these evenings turn out a little late. She sang and danced a bit with the movie and then we also received an unexpected message from Holland.

    An unexpected birthday wish

    Maybe you remember my mother passed away last summer and that I always kept contact through a friend of her because of safety for the link to my ex. Well, she sent a message that evening to congratulate us with our daughter and we gave her a status update. I felt like this was a little bit of my mother sending the message as well because the card she picked would have been something my mother would have picked too.

    It was very thoughtful of her and she's always been so kind to us and being the middle person knowing I was scared that my ex would find us. Our daughter read her message and smiled from ear to ear while she only met her once when she was just born, so it was a message from a "stranger" to her even making her smile and feel grateful for the sweet message. I think she's going to turn out just find this little lady of ours.

    Like every year, she went to bed saying this was the best birthday ever, the sweetheart <3

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