💥 🔥 Battle Mage Secrets Weekly Challenge - Equal Opportunity + Weapons Training! 🔥 💥

in voilk •  4 months ago


    Hello, everyone! It's time for another Battle Mage Secrets Weekly Challenge from Splinterlands. In this post, we will showcase the 'Equal Opportunity' ruleset, where ALL units receive the Opportunity ability at the start of the battle which allows them to attack the unit with the lowest health on the enemy team. For this battle challenge, I will share a Ranked battle in Modern Format. Let's take a closer look at the card I used to win in this ruleset and how it contributed to my team's victory.

    Equal Opportunity
    All units gain the opportunity ability which allows them to attack the unit with the lowest health on the enemy team.

    Battle Configuration

    For this battle, here are the specific rulesets and a mana cap to consider:

    Equal Opportunity: All Monsters have the Opportunity ability.
    Weak Magic: Magic attacks hit the Armor before reducing Health.

    Mana Cap: 24
    Active Elements: Water, Earth, Life, Death

    My Lineup:

    Summoner: Kelya Frendul

    • Ability to Give to allies: All friendly monsters receive +1 Speed and +1 Armor at the start of the battle. The armor buff is quite useful against melee attackers that has the opportunity ability.

    1st Position: Torrent Fiend

    • This is a filler monster because of its zero mana and will also act as an addition layer of protection for my main monsters.

    2nd Position: Noah The Just

    • Its Rust ability that reduces the armor of enemy units by 2 is very useful in this battle since the enemy might rely also on armor buffs to prolong the damage from melee attackers with Opportunity ability.

    3nd Position: Kulu Mastermind

    • This monster already has the Opportunity ability but what makes this monster so terrifying is because of its Weapons Training ability. Noah the Just and Clockwork Aide will gain +3 melee attack power and will be beneficial to my line up because they will also gain the Opportunity ability.

    4th Position: Clockwork Aide

    • This monster will also receive the Weapons Training ability buff at the start of the battle and also has thick armor. It has 1 HP only and will bait monsters with Opportunity ability.

    5th Position: Venator Kinjo

    • This card has the Camouflage ability which makes it invisible to attackers unless it is in the first position.

    Strategy: I selected this lineup for the Equal Opportunity ruleset to maximize the Weapons Training ability of Kulu Mastermind. With this ruleset, my Noah the Just and Clockwork Aide can attack on any position with its +3 melee damage from Kulu Mastermind. Also, using Clockwork Aide is part of my strategy. It will attract attacks from monsters with Opportunity ability because of its 1 HP. Also, it will not be easily killed by Magic Attacks because of the Weak Magic ruleset.


    Let's Rumble

    The enemy has usd Ilthain as the Summoner, who possesses the ability to grant its allied monsters the Return Fire ability. However, this ability will be ineffective in our battle as I have not used any ranged attack monsters. Examining the enemy lineup, it appears that he/she will utilize Venari Marksrat's Martyr ability and Adelade Brightwing's Resurrect to double the stats of Jared Scar and Stitch Leech.


    The battle began with both sides applying buffs and debuffs to their respective teams. During round 1, my monsters targeted the enemy Venari Marksrat. The enemy anticipated this and increased the stats of Jared Scar and Stitch Leech by 2x. By the end of round 1, my monsters targeting the Venari Marksrat resulted in Torrent Fiend and Venari Marksrat being removed from the field of combat.


    In round 2, the enemy focused their attacks on my Clockwork Aide, except for the monster in the first position of the enemy lineup. Luckily, Jared Scar's Bloodlust ability was not triggered, and at the end of Round 2, only Jared Scar remained on the enemy side. As a result, at the end of Round 2, only Jared Scar remained on the enemy side.


    And in Round 3, Jared Scar still was not able to use its Bloodlust ability and was killed by my monsters.


    And this made me the winner of this battle. You can check the full battle replay here - Battle Replay from Splinterlands.

    This battle seems quite one-sided, perhaps due to the difference in overall damage output, thanks to Kulu Mastermind's Weapon Training. Additionally, I enjoy using the Weapon Training ability because it effectively utilizes monsters with no attacks and synergizes well with the Opportunity ability from the ruleset.



    That's it, and thanks for reading. If you are interested in playing Splinterlands, here is my game link - splintercell-01.
    Visit @Splinterlands to view more amazing posts! And always keep on battling!!!
    *Images used are from Splinterlands.

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