Good day hivers! Let's filled our day with gratitude and happiness this Sunday as we celebrate the "Epiphany". How are you today? I hope you're beyond fine and more than alive to receive and share a bountiful blessings today!:)
We had a conversation with my mother how tough life is. She mentioned that she wanted to have a haircut because her hair would block her eyesight. However, we do not have the finances for haircut because he bought all her money for the food morning, lunch and dinner. (How selfless all the mothers,really.)
Today, I have received the payment from my sister so I decided to let my mother go with me to withdraw the cash so that we droppped by in a salon to have her hair cut.
For me, any minute things that my mother requested as long as I can give it to her most especially her tiny needs. Through this, I can say that my mother was happy! It puts smiles on her face thought. That's why I'm grateful for this day.
How about you, what are the things you are gratfel for?
Thank you for hearing your thoughts about this matter.
Enjoy your day and have a great day! ♡
I will end this with post with a smiley emotican as a sign of my happiness today to do stuff for my mother. :)
Respectfully yours,