Women are natural shoppers.

in voilk •  5 months ago

    I hope I have all the attention of the woman on Hive because this is a serious allegation that shouldn't be handled lightly, and I am writing this in response to one of the Hive Ghana weekly prompts that says,

    When it comes to shopping, we know women wear the crown. Dear men, why do you think women love shopping? Dear women,why do you love shopping so much?

    I do love to correct the point that women aren't freaks when it comes to shopping, and we just enjoy doing it. It's not the shopping we love but the feeling that accompanies it, and when you enjoy something, it's impossible not to love it.

    I hope I am communicating.

    How can we not like shopping? Who doesn't like to be pampered with a shopping spree? The answer will definitely be nobody, and as a lady, I cannot say no, especially when it's coming for free.

    It's rare to find a lady who doesn't like shopping, but every woman shops differently. We have priorities and things we always look forward to buying when we go shopping.

    I always call myself a smart spender when it comes to shopping because I only go for very important things. Sometimes ago, I went shopping and came home with just a few things. My friend was like, Why? And I made it clear that I only got important things; it's pointless getting the things I don't need all because I wasn't the one footing the bills.

    Women Are Natural Shoppers

    My image

    After all the stress men go through to provide for their families, it would be unfair to expect them to walk about the mall and join the queue later, trying to pay for the items they bought.

    Making money isn't easy. A lot of men today do multiple jobs just to cater for family needs, and it can be very tiring. I never thought of this until now, and I had to try checking how many men I have encountered whenever I go shopping. They are very few, and to be candid, women are the real shoppers all over the world.

    I once asked my dad the last time he went to the market, and he said he couldn't remember, which is very understandable. He is a hardworking man who is always on the move to make sure that his family doesn't lack anything, and as an understanding woman, my mom ensures that she does the shopping according to what the family needs.

    Dad provides, and she does what's expected of her. Many of the women we see trooping out of different shopping malls aren't just there for themselves; many of them came for family purposes.

    Many women see shopping for the family as a responsibility and gladly do it, but men misunderstand this; they think we have a different motive towards shopping.

    Another certified reason why women love to shop is because it improves their mood. The word shopping lightens my mood, and even writing about it alone makes me happy.

    We love to explore, see what's in trend, and acquire it if possible. Going about checking items helps us compare and make good decisions with the things we buy.

    I hope this answers many men's questions about why women love shopping. Thanks for reading to the end, 🤗.

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