Hit You Both Ways

in voilk •  27 days ago


    I'm someone that loves music a lot. I listen to many different types of music and even in many different languages. I share three songs every Tuesday for a contest and I don't think I have missed one week for over a year now. Today, I will be sharing one song that has made me cry and another one that just gives me that happy feeling.

    This is the one song that has put me to tears in my life. I think it's also because of the video. I remember watching this about ten years ago when I was around 18 and moved out of my parents house. I came across this exact video with the same song but it had english subtitles. I'm not sure what happened to it but I think it might have been taken down due to copyright.

    Anyways if you listen to this song and watch the video, it's very hard not to be moved into tears. In the video, there's a guy in a relationship and the guy really loves the girl. He takes care of the girl a lot and the girl doesn't seem to appreciate it. Then the guy gets cancer or some sort of illness and wanted to try to hide it from her but she found out. Then she started to regret and ended up taking care of him. In the end, the guy dies so I guess the moral of the story is to appreciate what you have now because it might be gone later.

    This is actually a Vietnamese song that goes by Lang Nghe Nuoc Mat and it means Listen to the tears. Whenever I listen to this song, it reminds me of this video.

    Honestly, it was hard to choose a song that gives the happy feeling. I have so many but I ended up going with Uptown Funk. I don't have a story with this song like the first one I shared. I just thought it was a great uplifting song and who knows whoever listens to this now might have a great weekend now!

    I hope you liked these songs. I'm going to be having a family dinner today and then watching How to make millions before grandma dies. I'm super hyped for this Thai movie and ready to cry. I heard it was super good and I will write a post about it and let you all know how it goes! Have a great weekend!

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