The Contract of Deception

in voilk •  5 months ago

    I was kidnapped against my will and I was forced to sign a contract to treat the boss who had a gunshot injury after being in a clash with his rival.
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    I’d have preferred if I had options; if I had a choice rather than the one I was given. I needed to sign the contract if I wanted to live and now, I would live only under his roof till whenever the contract says.

    I had no idea what the contract said since I was so stupid not to have read the wording. I hate my life.

    I sat on my bed that evening with disgust, anger, and as much as I hate to admit, fear. I was scared, so damn scared but I needed to act.

    Just as I thought deeply, a mild knock which was familiar to my ears sounded on my door.

    “Come in,” I said and I saw the big guy who I have found out to be called Big D. Funny, usually big guys are often with the smallest D.

    As I saw his face, I knew it was time to treat Dominic, their boss.

    I stood up and walked towards the door, biting my nails and walking before him. Soon, I was back in the same room where it had all started.

    I walked in with careful steps as I have always done. Apparently, I could not get used to this lifestyle but it is what I must do to survive.

    “Shantel,” Dominic called my name with a broad smile as though he had no idea what intense torture I was going through.

    “I am so delighted to see you,” he said but I said no words. “Oh, come on, Shantel,” he added with a smile still on his face yet, I said no words.

    “Leave us,” Dominic said and Big D left the room.

    “What troubles you, Shantel?” he asked, still I said no words. “You shall not keep mute while I speak!” he half-yelled

    “I hope you have been well, boss?” I said curtly with an unintended courtesy before walking to the medical table, as it is now called.

    “What is it, nurse? You have been fed well and graced with good clothes and a conducive space. What is it that you want?” he asked in a rather meek tone than his original.

    “Sit,” I said instead and he stared at me, and arched his brow before finally raising his body from the sleeping position to sit.

    “Listen, Shantel. I know we might have started on the wrong foot but trust me, I mean no harm. I am a good person and as I have said before, you have nothing to worry about and I shall guarantee your safety regardless. I want you to trust me. You saved me from dying, I promise you!”

    I was going to change my mind as his words touched a part of me but I injected him and gave him his pills which he downed immediately.

    “I would be back by dusk for the evening pill,” I said and as I turned away to leave, he held my wrist to keep me still.

    I stopped in my steps and waited for what was to come next without turning around to face him and then, his grip around my wrist became weak.

    “What have you done?” he said in a shaky tone and I turned around to face him and with a crooked smile, I spoke.

    “You will be unconscious enough for me to own my freedom!” I answered.

    “You signed a contract!” he said with gritted teeth as he was slowly submitting to his bed.

    “You broke your word first!” I said

    I grabbed a syringe and I immediately drilled out enough of Ketamine with the syringe.

    After I was set, I cleared my throat, looked over at Dominic with not much thought, and then, approached the door.

    I slowly opened the door and Big D smiled at me. “Ready to leave, ma’am?” he asked and I nodded.

    Just as we turned around to leave, I hurriedly injected him with the syringe.

    “What…what have you…you done?” he wobbled with his hands holding the side of his neck where he was injected and soon, he collapsed on the ground.

    I breathed out before dragging him inside the room, although it was hard to do that, considering his huge size.

    As I took the right corner, it was another long ass hallway. I walked briskly and I could see the other end of the hallway.

    There, I saw the “EXIT” sign but another sign was added to it. “For staff only”

    “Well, I was a staff before y’all almost ended that for me!” I said to myself as I hurried toward the door, looking back as I did so.

    A few seconds later, I was in front of the door. As I pushed it with all of my might, looking around me, the door flung open, causing the alarm sound to blare and I immediately knew I was not so far from my doom.

    “Fuck!” I exhaled before running in.

    As I ran in, the lights began to come on and then I saw that I was standing in the middle of a room where I was not meant to be.

    I gasped at the sight before me. It was tons of bodies, frozen as I realized I had just walked into a cold room filled with dead bodies. Before I could take in the view and recover from the shock I was in, I heard the sound of a gunshot.

    This time, I didn't just hear it, I felt it, hitting my back and causing pain as I was shot and soon, it became pitch black.

    He kidnapped me, lied to me, and I found out about the truth had cost me my life!

    Posted Using InLeo Alpha

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