Help - The Beatles - Cover by David Osuna | Hive Music Fest | Week #72 Round 3

in voilk •  5 months ago

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    Una semana más llega a nosotros en este #HMF y es un placer para mi nuevamente poder retarme y participar con una canción que pueda mover la mayor cantidad de fibras emocionales dentro de esta plataforma con los instrumentos que manejo.

    One more week comes to us in this #HMF and it is a pleasure for me again to be able to challenge myself and participate with a song that can move the most emotional fibers within this platform with the instruments I handle.

    En esta ocasión he decido aprenderme esta fantástica canción de la que es considerada como la banda más influyente en el mundo de la música. Si señores hablo ni más ni menos que de los Beatles quienes con muchas de sus fantásticas melodías llenaron de música y alegría muchos de los hogares de muchos melomanos por allá en los 60s y 70s, y aún a día de hoy siguen estando vigentes en la vida y las influencias musicales más populares de occidente.

    This time I have decided to learn this fantastic song from what is considered the most influential band in the world of music. Yes gentlemen, I am talking about the Beatles who with many of their fantastic melodies filled with music and joy many of the homes of many melomanos back in the 60s and 70s, and even today they are still in force in the life and the most popular musical influences in the West.


    Esta pieza para mi es el grito de alguien desesperado con su situación que no sabe como pedir por la atención de otro para poder obtener de esta manera ayuda para solucionar su problema y he decidido traerla aquí debido a que, su sencilla y a la vez compleja melodía que modula varias veces haciéndonos entender que la persona esta entre la manía y la depresión, nos deja entre ver la genialidad que los integrantes de los beatles tenían a la hora de componer sus canciones y de como trataban de contarnos una historia que fuese de acuerdo no solo en cuanto a al desarrollo de su lírica se refiere sino también al desarrollo de sus melodías para así acentuar también lo que la letra nos esta diciendo que sucede y esto es un recurso que solo la música nos puede ofrecer para auditivamente hacer mucho más rica y compleja la narrativa y así asociar como suenan los diferentes sentimientos e ideas que las canciones nos están relatando con sus diferentes tonalidades

    This piece for me is the cry of someone desperate with his situation who does not know how to ask for the attention of another in order to get help to solve his problem and I decided to bring it here because, its simple yet complex melody that modulates several times making us understand that the person is between mania and depression, it lets us see the genius that the members of the beatles had when composing their songs and how they tried to tell us a story that was not only in terms of the development of their lyrics but also the development of their melodies to also accentuate what the lyrics are telling us that happens and this is a resource that only music can offer us to audibly make the narrative much richer and more complex and thus associate the different feelings and ideas that the songs are telling us with their different tonalities.

    Sin más que decir, espero que disfruten de este vídeo y recuerden rebloguear, votar y comentar.

    Without further ado, I hope you enjoy this video and remember to reblog, vote and comment.


    Letra | Lyrics

    I need somebody
    Not just anybody

    You know I need someone

    When I was younger, so much younger than today
    I never needed anybody's help in any way
    But now these days are gone, I'm not so self assured
    Now I find I've changed my mind and opened up the doors

    Help me if you can, I'm feeling down
    And I do appreciate you being 'round
    Help me get my feet back on the ground
    Won't you please, please help me?

    And now my life has changed in, oh, so many ways
    My independence seems to vanish in the haze
    But every now and then I feel so insecure
    I know that I just need you like I've never done before

    Help me if you can, I'm feeling down
    And I do appreciate you being 'round
    Help me get my feet back on the ground
    Won't you please, please help me?

    When I was younger, so much younger than today
    I never needed anybody's help in any way
    But now these days are gone, I'm not so self assured
    Now I find I've changed my mind and opened up the doors

    Help me if you can, I'm feeling down
    And I do appreciate you being 'round
    Help me get my feet back on the ground
    Won't you please, please help me?

    Help me, help me, oh

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