Hello! As part of our ongoing efforts to improve both interaction and curation in the Movies and TV Shows Community, this post is one of many to highlight and boost members of the past week that have posted what we believe is exceptional content.
The Details
Each week, our Moderators will monitor the posts within the Movies and TV Shows Community and handpick the ones that are believed to stand out under numerous factors: post quality, length, and subject.
There are no entry requirements, and this is not a contest, but simply a roundup intended to provide additional exposure to all of you for your efforts. Just have fun posting in the Movies & TV Shows Community and five or more posts will be chosen frequently.
Author: @jessuses1381

The dynamic of these three feels very natural, their characters bringing out different aspects of each other and in Matt's case challenging his decisions a lot and leading him to try to confront his darker impulses. And just talking about these darker impulses, this series delves into a very raw crime atmosphere of difference from Marvel's other offerings, the storytelling is brilliant, combining intense action sequences with more leisurely and reflective moments, letting the tension build up within each episode, it has an almost film noir or vintage vibe to it, which is greatly enhanced by the masterful use of camera angles to intensify many fight scenes.
Author: @ylsecardamonet

Amazed they begin to investigate how to move the log or perhaps take an alternate route...and that's what they decide to do but the result ends up being that they find themselves again and again in the same place, it seems that the road always takes them to the same place and they begin to feel trapped, however incredulous they go in search of people who live there who can give them an answer.
Author: @veneciabia

As the film progresses, when they question the reality in which he lives, the father goes so far as to do inhuman things in order to protect his fantasies and his supposed teaching methods about living in an alternate society. The arrival of a new person in the house, a worker in the father's factory, sharpens his curiosity and awakens in him a yearning to know the world beyond the walls of his home. In the face of all this, both parents begin to hide the reality even more, with the most grotesque punishments.
Author: @roadstories

The theme of the animals seemed great to me because this in real life helps to raise awareness about animal abuse, they are beings that also have the right to a good quality of life, they also deserve to be loved no matter how different they are, and they are capable without any cross words to make us feel wonderful things.
Author: @nazirullsafry

Rainbows could be used together as the depiction of the bridge where both Hanafi and Rinai walked in the end towards a ‘heavenly’, poetic and spiritual ending, to further act as a symbol of their bond like the scene where Rinai gives Hanafi to wear the rainbow bracelet.
Author: @nameless16

This film marked the directorial debut of Dev Patel, who also co-wrote the screenplay with Paul Angunawela and John Collee, from a story created by Patel himself. The direction is masterful, from the first moment it shows us the life of "Kid" before and after suffering the trauma of losing his mother, before we observe the world of a child full of nature, colors and happiness, but immediately we move to a dark world, of opaque colors, violent; both worlds stand out in the beauty that Patel shares of both moments of the main character and more when the loss of one creates the other and that is fascinating, but there is something that is mandatory to name and it is the action scenes which are many and all are perfect and I do not exaggerate in saying that, because Patel shows in every fight and chase, his passion for the project, for example the sequences of the fights are developing as well as the protagonist, his abilities are first depending first on the hate and then his motives grow which makes it something different and makes it more fun the way he fights; I thought that decision was great and it's something I've seen in other films and I appreciate that in a film; I'm surprised that being this the first time behind the camera, a great job is done and it makes me think about what can be his next film.
Author: @soyunasantacruz

I liked it and it will stay in my memory for a long time, I recommend it as an option to accelerate the pulse. From it I learned that we appreciate life more when someone else wants to take it away from us and that giving up is never an option, you have to find the courage to face anything, no matter how dangerous it may be.
Author: @cristiancaicedo

That being said, it's a typical story of the weak against the powerful, yet another revenge story where the hero is full of anger and pain, but it still seems right next to the abuses and tyrannies of the rulers, in this case the brothers Geta and Caracalla, who don't think about the welfare of their people, but about their own amusement. So far, so good, it's not a very original story, but it could have worked as an epic struggle. The problem was how to link this film to the prequel, and my question is, was there a need to do so? Couldn't they have told a story independent of that one? The fact is that they didn't want to do that, but preferred to frame these events just 16 years after the death of Emperor Marcus Aurelius in the first film and connect them to the protagonist. Because Hanno is not Hanno; he is Lucius, the son of Lucila... and Maximus. From what is shown in the film, it seems that Hanno does not remember it, or does not know it (but how could he not know if he was twelve years old when the previous film ended?), but at first he hates Rome for bringing destruction everywhere and ends up waging a kind of crusade for the salvation of the empire (?); in a conversation with his mother Lucila, who recognizes him (how? just maternal instinct?) Hanno speaks to her out loud and denies his mother and Rome, but then forgives her and hugs her (?) and when he finally has the opportunity to sign his revenge and kill General Acacius, he doesn't do it: he recognizes him as the hero that he is (?)
Author: @erigm

I thought the performances were excellent, both Florence's, who got into the skin of this woman who did not have it easy, but was brave and willing to continue living until the end, and Andrew's in his character of Tobias, who showed himself as an understanding partner and was always there, supporting Almut in his decisions even if he did not agree on everything. They both had very good chemistry in the movie.
Author: @andr3apat1no

I must tell you that the movie is historically incorrect, so you must watch it with that mental programming, because otherwise you are going to suffer. In fact, you have to watch it with García Márquez's magic realism eyes because things get a little "delulu" between baboons that look like zombies because of the bad CGI, fights against rhinoceroses and sharks in the coliseum. Which mind you, some of these things did happen, the gladiators fought many different kinds of beasts but the execution, it feels a bit strange. Now, with respect to the melee and war scenes I have no complaints, everything is very well done, the scene of taking Numidia by boat at the beginning of the film is the perfect appetizer to see how the movie will be, you can see Scott's expertise. The costume and makeup design are worthy of the Empire, and although at some point it feels cartoonish rather than detracting, it is an element that adds to our understanding of the magnitude of what Rome was in its golden age.
Author: @ikigaidesign

In this film we see how all these pilots, get into their planes, with the sole purpose of destroying their enemy, and not die in the attempt, but of course, this was not a sure thing, being in the air, they were attacked, and many died, fell into enemy hands, were kidnapped, tortured, and mutilated.
Congratulations to everyone that was chosen, and thank you to everyone posting in Movies and TV Shows! We look forward to the next report and highlighting even more of you.