Phonography / Phone Photography Contest - 04

in voilk •  3 months ago

    Hi guys,, I have a mulberry tree in my yard that is more than a year old. This tree that we planted has experienced several harvests, but now its condition looks different due to the very hot weather, as you will see in the pictures one by one below. There you will find that my mulberry plant is in critical condition and if it doesn't rain soon my mulberry plant will probably die.

    Before I continue discussing my mulberry plants, it would be nice if I took this opportunity to express my deep gratitude to @untilwelearn who has organized a phonography contest and is open to the public, so this contest can help me to improve my skills in capturing many moments in real life.

    If you want to participate in the phonography contest then you can access this link

    Yeah, now let's get back to our main topic about the condition of my mulberry tree in summer. To be honest, I was very sad when I saw the mulberry in that condition, but what can I do when the universe is not fine, the weather doesn't always happen like that? what we hope for, actually I have watered several times but the amount of water I gave was not sufficient, it was very sad when I saw that the mulberry leaves continued to fall and some of the twigs also dried up, the size of the fruit is also smaller when compared to winter, so this is not something which is easy for me to accept when the plants I love most face extreme heat.

    a type of disease that appears in summer and kills young shoots.

    mulberry fruit with very small fruit size, this is the effect of lack of water so that the fruit is difficult to grow.

    The mulberry fruit at the end of the branch and the leaves on it have turned yellow, and my guess is that this fruit will not reach maturity.

    Diseases that appear in summer begin to cover mulberries and these cannot be consumed because they will cause coughing and severe itching of the throat.

    the whole branch looks plain, only a few leaves are left at the end of the branch, this is a very serious problem for my mulberry plant.

    young shoots appear around dead branches, and this will be a hope until the rainy season comes if the summer disease does not cover like one of the above shoots.

    Mulberry,[2] kertau,[3] bebesar[4] or magnitude[5] (Morus) is a genus consisting of 10–16 species of certain trees that are native to temperate and subtropical hot areas in Asia, Africa and America. The majority of native species originate from Asia. Magpies grow quite quickly when young, but then grow slowly and rarely exceed 10–15 m in height. Magnificent leaves are simple leaves that are lobed and sawn at the edges. Mulberry fruit is a compound fruit 2–3 cm long, red when still young and dark purple when ripe, and can be eaten. Wikipedia

    Mulberries are a type of fruit plant that has a very unique taste, this fruit has a sweet and sour fruit taste so it is very refreshing when enjoyed, some people enjoy mulberries by squeezing the fruit juice, while some others like to enjoy mulberries normally, apart from It is a fruit that humans like to enjoy, but mulberries are also targeted by birds, so if you want to see lots of birds coming to your house then the solution is you can plant mulberries in your yard and when it's fruit season the birds will come one after another, besides Apart from that, mulberries can grow thickly in the rainy season, but in the summer some diseases and leaves easily collapse, so I think it would be better to plant mulberries near a stream so you don't have to worry about any conditions.

    Thank you very much for reading, I hope this post can be entered into the phonography contest, see you in the next post with a different portrait. ☺️

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