[ES/EN] 👊Winning with 🔥"Commander Slade" and 🔥"River Hellondale" on 💥"Weak Magic"

in voilk •  11 days ago


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    Estas imágenes han sido mezcladas por mí / These images have been mixed by me.


    Saludos a toda la comunidad de "Splinterlands", hoy pude ganar gracias a "Commander Slade", la habilidad "resurrect" de
    "River Hellondale" y la regla de batalla "Weak Magic".
    Juegue con un mazo "Water" y me enfrente a un mazo "Earth" jugado por "ethangraves", es una batalla de "mana 36"
    y sin los monstruos "Fire" y "Death" disponibles.

    Greetings to the entire "Splinterlands" community. Today I was able to win thanks to "Commander Slade," "River Hellondale's" "Resurrect" ability, and the "Weak Magic" battle rule.
    I played a "Water" deck and faced an "Earth" deck played by "ethangraves." It was a "36 mana" battle, and without the "Fire" and "Death" monsters available.


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    Ruleset: "Weak Magic"

    Esta regla de batalla establece que los ataques mágicos golpearan la armadura antes que la salud.
    "Protect", "Repair" y "Rust" son útiles en este conjunto de reglas.
    "Shatter" o "Pierce" anulará cualquier armadura que tu oponente coloque.
    Debes usar un tanque con "shield" porque tu oponente usará monstruos con ataques "melee" y "ranged".

    This battle rule states that magic attacks will hit armor before health.
    "Protect," "Repair," and "Rust" are useful in this rule set.
    "Shatter" or "Pierce" will nullify any armor your opponent places.
    You should use a tank with a shield because your opponent will use monsters with melee and ranged attacks.


    Uso un team "Water" con ataque "melee" y "mágico".

    Mi invocador es "Kelya Frendul" que otorga "+1 armor" y "+1 speed" a todos mis monstruos.
    Mi tanque es "Commander Slade" con "enfeeble" y "dodge", cuando lastime al enemigo reducirá su ataque "melee" en -1.
    Mi segundo monstruo es "Chaos Agent", será señuelo para "opportunity".
    Mi tercer monstruo es "River Hellondale" con "resurrect", se encargará de reducir a mi tanque.

    I'm using a "Water" team with melee and magic attacks.

    My summoner is "Kelya Frendul," which grants +1 armor and +1 speed to all my monsters.
    My tank is "Commander Slade," with "Enfeeble" and "Dodge." When he damages the enemy, he'll reduce their melee attack by -1.
    My second monster is "Chaos Agent," which will be a decoy for "Opportunity."
    My third monster is "River Hellondale," with "Resurrect," which will take care of taking down my tank.


    Ubico un sanador, un "opportunity" y un "protect".

    Aquí tengo a "Merdaali Guardian", se encargará de sanar a mi tanque.
    Casi al final tengo a "Deeplurker", un "opportunity" que atacará al enemigo más débil.
    Y mi último monstruo es "Venari Wavesmith" con "protect", dará "+2 armor" a todos mis monstruos.

    I place a healer, an opportunity, and a protect.

    Here I have Merdaali Guardian, which will heal my tank.
    Towards the end, I have Deeplurker, an opportunity that will attack the weakest enemy.
    And my last monster is Venari Wavesmith with protect. It will give +2 armor to all my monsters.


    Me enfrento a un team "Earth" con ataque mixto.

    Su invocar es "Obsidian" que otorga +1 ataque mágico a todos sus monstruos.
    Su tanque es "Venari Knifer" con "thorns", sus espinas lastiman a mi tanque.
    En la segunda posición está "Xenith Archer" un neutral con ataque "ranged".
    Aquí tiene a "Regal Peryton" con "flying", será muy ágil frente a los ataques "melee" y "ranged".
    En medio está "Venari Spellsmith" con "dispel", neutraliza las mejoras del tanque enemigo.
    Casi al final tiene a "Goblin Psychic", se encargará de sanar a su tanque.
    Y su último monstruo es "Mycelic Slipspawn" con "taunt", morirá recibiendo todos los ataques.

    I'm facing an "Earth" team with a mixed attack.

    Their summon is "Obsidian," which grants +1 magic attack to all their monsters.
    Their tank is "Venari Knifer" with "Thorns," whose thorns hurt my tank.
    In second place is "Xenith Archer," a neutral with a ranged attack.
    Here, they have "Regal Peryton" with "Flying," which will be very agile against melee and ranged attacks.
    In the middle is "Venari Spellsmith" with "Dispel," which neutralizes the enemy tank's buffs.
    Near the end, they have "Goblin Psychic," which will heal their tank.
    And their last monster is "Mycelic Slipspawn" with "Taunt," which will die after receiving all the attacks.


    Ronda 1

    El ataque "melee" de "Venari Knifer" es reducido por la habilidad "enfeeble" de "Commander Slade".
    "Mycelic Slipspawn" aún resiste y "Commander Slade" también.

    Round 1

    "Venari Knifer's" melee attack is reduced by "Commander Slade's" Enfeeble" ability.
    "Mycelic Slipspawn" is still resilient, and so is "Commander Slade."


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    Ronda 2

    "Mycelic Slipspawn" es abatido por mi "Deeplurker".
    Después "Goblin Psychic" somete a mi "Commander Slade", pero es revivido por "River Hellondale".

    Round 2

    "Mycelic Slipspawn" is taken down by my "Deeplurker."
    "Goblin Psychic" then subdues my "Commander Slade," but is revived by "River Hellondale."


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    Ronda 3

    "Venari Knifer" es abatido por "River Hellondale", luego "Deeplurker" somete a "Xenith Archer",
    pero "Goblin Psychic" derriba a mi "Commander Slade".

    Round 3

    "Venari Knifer" is taken down by "River Hellondale," then "Deeplurker" subdues "Xenith Archer,"
    but "Goblin Psychic" takes down my "Commander Slade."


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    Ronda 4

    Ahora "Deeplurker" somete a "Venari Spellsmith".

    Round 4

    Now "Deeplurker" subdues "Venari Spellsmith".


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    Ronda 5

    "Regal Peryton" abate a "Chaos Agent", pero "Deeplurker" lo abate después.
    Solo queda en pie "Goblin Psychic" pero sin chances de ganar.

    Round 5

    "Regal Peryton" defeats "Chaos Agent," but "Deeplurker" then takes him down.
    Only "Goblin Psychic" remains, but with no chance of winning.


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    ¿Funciono mi estrategia? ¿Qué intentaré diferente la próxima vez?.

    Mi estrategia dio resultados, ubique un monstruo con "armor" en la primera posición para que fuera resucitado por
    "River Hellondale", así podría tener un tanque que resista los ataques enemigos.
    La próxima vez usaré un team "Fire" con full ataque "melee".

    Strategy work? What will you try differently next time?

    My strategy paid off. I placed an armored monster in the first position to be revived by "River Hellondale." This way, I could have a tank that could withstand enemy attacks.
    Next time, I'll use a "Fire" team with a full melee attack.



    Si aún no juegas "Splinterlands", puedes registrarte con mi enlace.

    If you don't play "Splinterlands" yet, you can sign up with my link.


    La traducción se hizo con / The translation was done with:


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