Helloooo I finished extremely late today because I went on a dinner date with my sisters. I won't be discussing much about my day nor my process because it is midnight for me and I am really sleepy ;;-;;
Today's phobia is the fear of itching or pruritophobia and I do find this as one of the strange phobias I have o my list because most people love getting scratched, specially on the back or the head, but I guess some people experience much rougher scratches than most of us do.
Materials: Chalk, marker, black pen
duration: 3 hours
So I started this when I got home at 9 and now it' midnight and I am so ready to go to sleep now ;;-;;
I actually like this one and I thank coffee for that energy boost I needed to finish this. It's a good thing I didn't have so much physical work today so my hands have preserved their energy too
I think I'll just sow my progression for today because I want sleep now but I am still very proud that I finished this itch piece
So that was it and for the first time in a long tim, my hands got dirty from inking XD the last time I experienced this was when I was still learning the pen. Now you see how sleepy I am because I get messy like this.
This has been my day 20 post. Tomorrow I hope I can write earlier since it is a weekend for me. This is everything I can muster for today, I'll see you guys tomorrow ^^
day 20 done~~~~