KISS WEEK 99: Compatibility Is The Best Bet, But Never EasyTo Come By.

in voilk •  4 months ago


    Maybe it would have been the other way round If I did not grow up in a minimalist home, or had a mother who is almost a perfectionist. Not that my parents were poor, but my father being a businessman knows what every penny is worth and this made my mother to handle everything perfectly, especially making sure the house is at all time organized.

    And as a neat freak that I am, I was so selective of who to be in a relationship with during my teenage years because then I believe in decency not being pride. I love ❤️ guys that are so neat especially in physical look and having dress sense. I do not mean being rich or someone who spends extravagantly, but one who dresses neatly all the time, even if you just have few shirts 👕 and jeans 👖 to go with them. This is part of decency.

    However, I ended up marrying a decent guy who loves neatness with so much dress sense but who is not organized. Its always hard to get 💯 everything when it come to marriage and relationships. Initially I was finding it hard to cope with how my partner can not arrange his shirts properly in the wardrobe after laundry 🧺. Then I will shout, but with time passing, I got use to it, others are misplacing documents, car key, wallets and even ATM Cards 🎴 which will make us scatter the whole house. But gradually, I started taken note of these things which I made sure to take control of and with time got use to putting them in the right places to help save us stress. But my baby is so good with making sure the living room is neatly arranged, dishes done when am busy and helps with groceries properly situated in the pantry and refrigerator. And over time, things was aligning. Things like this can not be forced.

    I have come to understand that compatibility in any relationship can never be fully achieved. Although couples being compatible stand chances of maintaining a good better relationship but sometimes they may have one flaw or another which they need to settle and have understanding. This is where understanding of each other comes in.


    For me being in a relationship with someone who is disorganized or a maximalist is not a deal breaker. It’s important to note that circumstance sometimes make things seem complicated with people we are in love with, either a relationship or marriage. When we are distressed and under emotional 😭 stress, we may not adequately function properly, needing our partner to fully understand the situation at that point in time. This is very crucial especially if the relationship just started. And ending up with a disorganized lifestyle person is what one can fix with time as the other person keeps learning.

    But what I can’t stand is an extravagant person who lavishes because I was not brought up in an extravagant spending home . My mother also made me to understand that those who live extravagantly does not save for rainy ☔️ days.

    Thank you for coming along and reading to the end.

    Photos are my originals.

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