Beginner's luck wont last forever

in voilk •  5 months ago

    I am going to start with a disclaimer, this is not a bit of professional advice. I am not a pro, Bro!!!.
    I know you may ask what qualifies me for this post then. The answer would be I have been with this game for quite some time (And by that I mean been standing in the corner while the game has been releasing new cards and features and stuff.) ‘Why now?’ You ask. Well, I have some free time and Now is a good time as any.


    I assume that you all know that Splinterland is a blockchain-based Play-to-earn game. Let's work backwards and start with the earning part of the game. Now my knowledge is outdated and I am hoping that someone would be kind enough to educate me too. The game rewards the players with Tokens, Cards and Packs. Yup, all of these can be converted back to fiat money. Now, that's the dream of every boy to earn playing games. Does any of it sound too good to be true, Let me tell you it is 100% true. Having said that, the game is not easy. If you think that by following a basic strategy you can win. Think again. With 30+ rulesets and 50+ abilities, everything keeps on changing. And I didn’t even mention the Lvls yet. So yeah, The game is not easy, and that makes it fun. Learn the game, before you earn from it.

    Assuming you are a beginner, I am going to share some of my knowledge.

    Have clarity about your goal - What are you here for, Are you here to have fun, to earn a passive income or just a curious fellow who wants to experience a blockchain game? Because the game does demand a certain level of commitment if you want to actively play. With season and rating mechanics control your raking and rewards. You will have to work for it. As for the passive income, it is a long list for some other day.


    Have clarity about the game plan - Do you want to play wild or modern format? (I personally like the Wild, because it allows some of my favourite cards). Do you want to play in the lower leagues or higher? Higher leagues mean Higher rewards also mean higher chances of ass whopping. Also, the game has requirements to move to higher leagues. So yeah. To what extent you are willing to go?


    Money comes later. - It play-to-earn. Not Play-to-earn millions. Be realistic about it. In bronze, you will be earning Peanuts. So do the math on the work required to play and earn a good amount. Again I am talking about the playing aspect of the game and not other methods.


    It's a game - It is a game after all, as a player doesn’t make it a job. Have fun. It is supposed to be a stressbuster and not a stress booster. Don't forget that. Losing focus and bad decisions can cause stress. So don't forget.


    There are 100 other topics, But let's keep them aside for now. (1).gif

    Hey Everyone,
    I am inuke, and this season I have returned to the Splinterland, to claim my rightful spot in the Bronze League (I have a lot to catch up). Meanwhile, this post is an attempt to connect again with the Hive and writing. The plan is to slowly work towards building a Beginner guide to splinter land

    Images are from Bitmoji.

    Posted Using InLeo Alpha

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