A review of inLeo's performance

in voilk •  2 months ago

    I'm so glad that I found this prompt because I have got a lot to talk about the inLeo frontend but I haven't had a chance to do so and seeing that I can make a whole post about it is so awesome 😁 I have always seen this topic on the monthly prompt calendar but I always assumed it was asking about the InLeo monthly initiative performance. Thanks to the leogrowth daily thread I got more details about this particular prompt and realized it is the opportunity I have been looking for. I guess I was waiting for this opportunity so that I could just say "Hey, you guys asked for my opinion."

    So, where do I even start from? I think I will just start with the buggy/frustrating aspect before moving on to the improvements I have noticed. First on my list is a persistent bug on the text field whenever I want to create a thread, comment on a post or reply to a comment. There's a placeholder text in all text input fields which normally should disappear as soon as you start typing but the problem I have noticed is that the last word on this placeholder text gets added to the beginning of whatever I'm typing. Take a look at the GIF below to see what I'm talking about

    You can see the last word of the placeholder text (boldly) immediately gets added to the beginning of whatever I'm typing. And whenever I try to delete the word and start afresh, it gets added again. So what I do is that I just leave it there and give a space before I start typing what I intended, then when I'm done I just remove the word I don't need. And that brings me to the second bug; what I type is not always what I see in the end. This mostly happens when I realize I made a mistake while typing and try to correct it but when I finally send the post or thread, I realize that the corrections I made aren't reflected in the final post.

    An example can be seen in the above picture. I initially wrote that but I later wrote it as "You totally retired from tech or you went into other fields?" But as you can see from that picture, the word "tech" is missing. I only realized it after the person had replied to the comment, so I didn't bother to edit it. When I didn't have premium and I noticed such an error immediately after publishing, I just deleted the whole post and created a new one. One thing I have noticed that is the cause of this bug is that whenever I'm typing, the preview box doesn't immediately reflect what I typed and it's even worse when I suddenly make changes.

    Sometimes, the last word I write won't show in that preview window, and I will then try deleting some letters and adding them back to see if the word shows up because it doesn't matter what you have typed in the input box, what will show up once you hit that "thread" button is whatever is in that preview box. Take a look at the screenshot below, what do you think will happen when I press the "thread" button? The final post will still show "chat" because you can still see it in the preview box, even though I already removed it.

    The improvements

    I'm still going to start with the placeholder text bug I talked about earlier because I noticed that for the past two weeks, it has not been happening as frequently as it used to. Before now, it occurs anytime I just want to type something but now it rarely happens. That bug was very frustrating earlier this month as it made it difficult to thread or comment on people's posts. What I started doing was I just wrote my post on an external editor, and then I copied and pasted it into the text editor on inLeo. But now I can safely use inLeo's text editor without much hassle, so that's a win.

    One solution I would suggest is to actually remove the placeholder texts from the input fields since they are causing a lot of bugs. I don't really see a use for them right now, because placeholders are actually meant to show users how to use an input field or what type of text is expected (mostly used for email fields) but in inLeo's case, everyone already knows that the text field has one function; to make a post. Another improvement I have noticed is the bug that occurs when you try to use the quick reply feature on threads has been removed.

    The quick reply feature is when you click on the comment button of a thread and the input field pops up so you can quickly reply to the thread post without actually opening it. Before now, whenever I'm typing on that quick reply box, I notice that the rest of the page is automatically scrolling. So by the time I'm done typing and close the popup box, the page has scrolled down a far distance. But now that doesn't happen anymore, when I finish using the quick reply feature and I remove it, I find myself where I was initially, and that's the main reason why I use that feature in the first place.

    Also, I noticed I can now upload pictures again as that feature wasn't working earlier this month. The solution I had before was to first upload the picture with Ecency, then I copied and pasted the link in inLeo (again, bad user experience). But now, picture upload is working again and that has made posting much easier. Overall, I'm glad about the improvements that inLeo has made over the years. I'm a software developer myself and I know how frustrating bugs can be, after all, it is the nightmare of all developers. Having a bug-free code would make any developer the happiest human on earth as it's not easy to have such a code (someone would even say it's impossible).

    InLeo is a large project and it's not unusual that there would be bugs, but I will still give kudos to the developers behind it because they are doing a good job in fixing those bugs. The UI of inLeo is fantastic and I rate it as the second-best UI on Hive (don't ask me who is first 😆) but I would always pick a better user experience (UX) in place of a better user interface (UI). So, my suggestion for the devs would be to focus more on the functionalities than the UI, the UI is already near perfection (in my opinion) and it would be great to see that whenever I click a button, it does what it actually intends to do.

    By the way, I use a mobile device (Tecno Pova) and Chrome browser (latest version) but I have also noticed these bugs on Firefox, Edge and Kiwi browsers. The bugs don't happen as often on desktop as they do on mobile. The login method I use is LeoAuth but I sometimes use Hivesigner and Keychain

    Thanks for reading

    This is my entry for May Inleo Prompt, day 30. Come be a part of this awesome daily prompt by clicking on this link.

    Connect with me on:
    Twitter: @kushyzeena
    Readcash: @kushyzee

    Lead image: Created with Canva
    Last image: Image by freepik

    Posted Using InLeo Alpha

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